Weekly Style Update


New Member
Hello everyone, I thought that it would be nice to start a post on different styles we wear weekly or throughout the week. Maybe we can get ideas from each other and different things that we can do with our hair. I started to put my styles in my info but then I thought it would be more fun to know what other people are doing through out the week. Ok, I'll start. I am wearing a ponytail that I had the urge to buy today. Its one of those that flips both ways, under and over. In the front I braided my hair back (since I have perfected my braiding technique). And that is that. I cant have the same style too long b/c I get bored so I'll probably change it by next week. I'll keep you posted.
Re: Weekly Style Update

I too wear a french twist and bun. I'm learning great new styles and strategies for my bun from some of you on this board. I'm thinking about doing a french braid today for variety. I haven't worn one in a long time and I think they are pretty.
Re: Weekly Style Update

This is a fun post.
Monday I wore a low messy bun; Tuesday I washed my hair in the morning and wore it "wet & wavy". Tuesday night I wet it a little & twisted it up and wore it in a "half-up, half-down" twist-out on Wednesday. Today I swept all my hair over to one side in a ponytail with little wisps out in the front. Tomorrow I'll probably do a high bun. As you can see, I LOVE variety!!
This weekend I'll be roller-setting.
Re: Weekly Style Update

Lindy said:
This is a fun post.
Monday I wore a low messy bun; Tuesday I washed my hair in the morning and wore it "wet & wavy". Tuesday night I wet it a little & twisted it up and wore it in a "half-up, half-down" twist-out on Wednesday. Today I swept all my hair over to one side in a ponytail with little wisps out in the front. Tomorrow I'll probably do a high bun. As you can see, I LOVE variety!!
This weekend I'll be roller-setting.

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That sounds like a lot of styling (very pretty BTW). I'm lucky if my hair is in two different styles a month!!

Re: Weekly Style Update

Thank you, Tebby!!
Don't you get bored wearing the same style all the time?? I've always been this way, ever since I was young!! I just love to change up all the time!! I can never, ever wear my hair the same way more than two days in a row!!
Re: Weekly Style Update

Lindy, I love variety too. I get bored very quickly with my hair.

Monday and Tuesday I wore it up in a phonytail.

Today (Wed.) I'm wearing it wet and wavy. I wear it this way the most because I'm working out ALMOST every day and I can just wash it and go.
Re: Weekly Style Update

I wore the same style bun everyday for one summer...EVERY SINGLE DAY!! I took it down to get my Senior Pictures taken (had to get my hair done for those), but as soon as I washed my hair it was back in that same bun. That was back in '95, and I STILL wear that bun almost everyday.

The most variation that I have is my assortment of phonytails. To me, it's still the same style is guess, but people at work always say "oh, you changed your hair again. You're always doing something different." However, I haven't worn a phonytail since July.

Re: Weekly Style Update

Lindy said:
I can never, ever wear my hair the same way more than two days in a row!!

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I feel ya Lindy. 3 days is my cut off and after that I'm almost gagging ready to switch up my style. I've decided to cut down my washing to every 3 days and that seriously cut my styling options so I'm itchy to wash every day again, but I don't want to dry out my hair. I actually had to tell my mom to make me not go wash it

So every time I get up she's like, "You're not going to wash your hair are you?"
Re: Weekly Style Update

This week it has been either a ponytail or a bun. I need to wash my hair so I didn't want to try moving it around too much!
Re: Weekly Style Update

I had this on another post but I'll put it here too. I ordered a wig today so as soon as that comes that will be my new style for awhile. I can't wait
Re: Weekly Style Update


That's a lot of styling. It always takes me forever to actually figure out a new style!
Re: Weekly Style Update

Last week, I wore my pressed hair in a braidout.

This week it's going to be a low puff on natural hair.
Re: Weekly Style Update

hairlove said:

That's a lot of styling. It always takes me forever to actually figure out a new style!

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If I had all that hair you do, there'd be NO stopping me!!!
Re: Weekly Style Update


I've always been lazy with my styles simply out of um...laziness! I never wanted to do rollersets for a fun, curly looked when I was relaxing b/c I didn't want to sit under the dryer for 3 hours!
Having to transition has "forced" me to change my hairstyle...I'll have to experiment more!

Anyways, back on topic...this week, I'll be trying out my new banana clips and some new comb accessories that I bought.
Re: Weekly Style Update

Boadicea said:
I wore my hair like this: http://public.fotki.com/boadicea/hairagami/

I'm still working on the album, but some pictures should be up. I put an updated picture in my avatar, but it's kind of hard to see it good.

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You Hair looks beautiful Boadicea. It looks so healthy ...wanna come over here and do my hair ...

Ballet Bun ...