Website Slang


A few ladies have been asking about having a thread that contains LHCF acronyms, abbreviations and methods (like the baggie). I will keep this thread closed, and I will add on to it. So, LHCF members, please send me your acronyms, abbreviations and methods via private message. TIA!

ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar

APL - Arm Pit Length

AO GPB - Aubrey Organics Glycogen Protein Balancer

BC - Big Chop

BSS - Beauty Supply Store

BSL - Bra Strap Length

BTW - By The Way

DB - Deep Brilliance

CD HM - Carol's Daughter Hair Milk

CD HHB - Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter

CD SoMM- Carol’s Daughter Some of Marguerite’s Magic

CON - Crème of Nature

CW - Conditioner Wash

CWC - Conditioner Wash Conditioner

EO - Essential Oil

EVOO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil

HHG - Happy Hair Growing

HHiaB - Healthy Hair in a Bottle

HTH - Hope This Helps

IMHO - In My Humble Opinion

IMO - In My Opinion

IIRC - If I Remember Correctly

ITA - I Too Agree

LUST - L’Oreal (Nature’s Therapy) Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment

MTG - Shapley's Original 'Mane-Tail-Groom'

NTM - Neutrogena Triple Moisture

NSFW - Not Safe For Work

PJ - Product Junkie

Slip - When the comb glides through the hair (tangle free)

TWA - Teeny Weeny Afro

TIA - Thanks In Advance

WGO - Wild Growth Oil

Baggie Method:

Bump / Bumping: to put a thread at the top of the list
This has been done ad nauseum. I thinks it's in the Looking for your favorite sticky's thread at the top of this forum.
I think she's just saying that she wants to update the thread. Don't forget:

ETA: Edited to add

NG - new growth

OP-Original Poster

ORS - Organic Root Stimulator

SE- Silk Elements

These are ones I used to have trouble with when I started on this forum.
DH = Dear Hubby

That one threw me off for a while as well. :lol: I knew it had something to do with ure sig. o, but couldnt figure out the exact acronym.
KiniKakes said:
DH = Dear Hubby

That one threw me off for a while as well. :lol: I knew it had something to do with ure sig. o, but couldnt figure out the exact acronym.

DH.....OHHHHH! Now I FINALLY get it!:lol:
TIA... <----------that one use to get me.
I use to think, "DANG, we have a lot of people named TIA on this site." lol

Now I use it all the time! :)
Thanks for replying everyone:) ... keep adding to the thread so i can understand some of you i think some people do it so much that they make up there own acronyms... GIRL BOO=