Webbing ends


Well-Known Member
What can I do for my webbing ends? Hair is soft and easy to separate but my ends keep webbing when wet, sealing with a oil, do I need something heavier? I have fine hair I have incorporated more protein and still web ends. Roots can be pulled taut and lay straight until I get to the ends, btw my ends may have the last bit of color when I dyed my hair a year ago. Please help.

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I just had this...... After a trim last weekend that stopped.

I'm newly natural so I did not realize it was a sign of old hair.
I was afraid of that but sorta not because these ends have me PO.....

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Webbing as in tangling? You most likely need to trim then. When I comb my hair and get to the ends and I can't get the comb through, it's because I need a trim.

And for me I really needed to trim when I had dye at the ends. I had to really baby my ends by moisturizing very often.
Once I cut the last bit of color out (it was a semipermanent but ended up being sort of drying) my ends and hair condition is much better.

I'm assuming "webbing" ends means tangling?
Yes, webbing mean tangling, I figured as much, no amount of protein and moisture is going to correct this. ...oh well.

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Wet or dry or damp for the trim?

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When I got my hair trimmed, it was blown out and flat ironed (one pass).

No heat damage because as soon as I walked outside (it was August of last year), I looked like Mufasa from the Lion King. :lol:

I went to a salon to get it done but once I saw what she did, I am going to start doing it myself.
I get my trims done on dry hair. They are easier to see when dry. Wet trimming tends to lead to more hair being cut than needs to be.

My hair needs to flat iron as well when trimmed. They lay flat and cooperate, not so much when blown dried only.
Ive noticed that it only takes a week or so for my tangly ends to come back. I figured it was just the way my hair behaved. Ive trimed soooo much, both on my own and from 2 different stylists, that I gave up. Ive taken off over an inch of tangled hair and still had that much 2 weeks later
Wet or dry or damp for the trim? Sent from my SM-G900V using LHCF

I deep condition then blow out and trim.

If the webbed ends come back right away, then evaluate your regimen for damaging elements.

Combing, brushing, lack of deep conditioning, not using daily moisture, skipping securing and protecting your hair at night, need a protein treatment, need a deep moisture treatment, too much manipulation daily, not trimming regularly enough (2-4 times a year should be sufficient if you care For those ends)

....it could be many things that are causing the oldest part of your hair to wear away faster than they should.
When my hair webbed badly, cutting (not trimming) fixed the issue. Trimming only removed a portion of the problem. Cutting helped alleviate it altogether. It has not returned thus far, thank goodness.
My hair does this whether it was trimmed 2 days ago or 1 year ago, so I only trim once a year. I ensure that my hair is detangled while wet with conditioner, and it's never hard to separate the strands again the next time I detangle, so I keep it moving. If I put a lot of gel on the ends (for a wash and go) or do a roller set the ends stay more separated, but as the days go by they come together again.

I have naturally very curly hair and the ends want to clump together, but it has not effected my length retention.
Thanks for all the input, I ended up cutting my ends and removed the color from my hair. The best part was my search for a detangler ended due to the fact that every thing I already had can detangle my hair. Go figure.

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