weaves with synthetic hair?


Well-Known Member
Can you ladies recommend good synthetic hair for a weave? I'm thinking of getting a sew in sometime in the next month or two. I know that virgin indian hair and other human hair is the best quality, but personally I don't feel comfortable having someone else's hair on my head (to each her own) :ohwell:.

post pics if you have!
In my area they sell Outre synthetic hair which is pretty good. I also liked Shake n Go Freetress Equal back when I wore weaves.

I don't have pictures available now. It was a long time ago but maybe I can find something. No you cannot apply heat to synthetic hair. I think they sell heat resistant synthetic hair but I'm not sure how good it is. May not last but a quick minute.
I don't have pictures available now. It was a long time ago but maybe I can find something. No you cannot apply heat to synthetic hair. I think they sell heat resistant synthetic hair but I'm not sure how good it is. May not last but a quick minute.

if you can find it, i would love to see what it looks like :prettyplease:

hmm, heat resistant synthetic hair. i wonder if that means you can blow dry and flat iron it
Kanubia and Batik are good synthetic brands I've heard. I have not used either myself.

Hmm it seems that the Batik is from the Outre brand, so it's Outre Batik?

I found some pictures online:



more here: http://www.extremebeautysupply.com/servlet/the-weaving-synthetic--dsh--BATIK/Categories

still dont know if i can apply heat to it, but this looks really promising
Kanubia and Batik are good brands. Freetress is too. And I found out your can curl synthetic hair with hot rollers with the velvet on them. Or use steam rollers!
Certain brands you can use heat, but they usually specify how hot. I think you can roll the hair with sponge rollers. It's best to buy hair with a curl pattern so you dont have to curl as much. I have to stress I have not used synthetic hair for a weave so I am going on what I have read or others have said.