Weaves Pros and Cons


New Member
I am stretching out my relaxer and I am at the point where I feel that it is important not to manipulate my hair alot. I have gotten so much growth guys I really need to post some pics. My question is for anyone that has had a weave sewn in. Is this damaging for the hair. What are the pros and cons.
I have had a sew in weave. If done correctly, they can be very beneficial. My hair was cornrowed into a circular pattern around my head and the weave was sewn in on top. It lasted about a month and a half, and I had no breakage from it.
I would say one con is that you can't wash with one that often...(or at least I couldn't). I could maybe wash once a week...mainly once every two weeks. When I washed once a week...I found that the weave would start shedding like crazy.

A big pro is that your hair is not being manipulated as frequently...so you don't lose hair when washing. I had a few tracks sewn in the back of my hair for years. I didn't have any in the front because I used that section of my hair for blending. The back where I had the hair sewn in is the longest part of my hair now.
Growth is always a plus.

I wouldn't say that they are damaging...unless the hair is left in too long. I would leave mine in for 2 and a half- 3 months without any damage. When I first started getting them...I would wait to long. When I started getting into the 3-4 month range...my real hair was a matted tangled mess. I would say that if you want to leave it in for a while...it is better when left in for 2 months.

Make sure you moisturize the base of the weave where your braid is. When I wore one...I used olive oil...and Dudley's hair oil with good results. I no longer use either though. Congrats on your new growth!
The con is not being able to cleanse the scalp as much as I'd like to. That is a huge con!
I get flakes because of this.

The pro is having a style and not having to fuss in my hair all day. Plus, the growth as mentioned.
Thanks erica sounds like you have it down to a science. I was thinking of keeping it about 6 to 8 weeks making sure that it is well maintained and that my natural hair in the crown area is straightened to make sure it is consistant with the weave. I will definately get some moisturizers for my hair olive oil that sounds like a plan.
I agree with all that is said here...I would also add that if you are not getting a full head weave, be careful when combing your hair to blend with the weave hair. It can cause breakage if you comb the two different textures of hair together too much. Blend carefully to avoid any snagging.
ubavka123 said:
I agree with all that is said here...I would also add that if you are not getting a full head weave, be careful when combing your hair to blend with the weave hair. It can cause breakage if you comb the two different textures of hair together too much. Blend carefully to avoid any snagging.

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Exactly! Since my hair is on the thin and fragile side, I get split ends very easily. However, since I'm blending my hair in the middle, it's not too bad, since all of the back of my hair is protected.

So what I mean is only one section of the middle of my hair gets split ends from the blending and combing.
I really haven't had any cons. I wash mine 1-3x a week depending and when I take it out, my own hair isn't dry and I've never had any problems with build up or dandruff.
I agree with what has been said here. I wore weaves for a couple of years and got a lot of growth. The only real con was not being able to wash my braided hair underneath that well. But the benefit of not having my hair manipulated and all the growth I retained definitely outweighed that.
I wore a weave for 6 years total. The first three to grow to b/s only to have it break off from yet ANOTHER relaxer then another weave to grow it back out, then I went relaxer-free. OK. Well. Weaves are not good if your hair is mid back. I say that because the braiding is hard on the ends. Also, partial weaves tend to break off the real hair that it blends with so that's not good either. I did that when I tried to hold off the breakage after my first round of weaves. The best advice is to get a full weave no matter what spot your trying to "work on". I greased Heavily when the weave was being put in then washed once/month. In that state my hair THRIVED.
Thanks eveyone great advice I am really excited about how it is going to look and feel. I think it will give my hair a much deserved break.
As long as you care for the hair underneath the weave I think you should be fine. Avoid pulling on the sensitive areas (temples, hairline and nape area) because it can cause temporary balding. Personally, I found that weaves or braids done consistently without breaks caused my hair to be very weak and break easily. To help with this I suggest protein treatments when coming out of a style. I agree with the comment about blending. The hair in the front of my head started thinning and breaking from constantly straightening it to match the texture of the weave.
You can apply shampoo to the cornrowed hair with a pointy tip thingy that way you can get it to the scalp. Also I heard that if you apply glue to the weft of the weave it prevents shedding. So I guess you would apply the glue and let it dry and then sew it in. I get great growth from weaves, especially when it is hot too.