Weaveologist in Richmond area


Active Member
Hello everyone, I wanted to know if anyone knew of a great weaver in the Richmond area, I will be about an hour away from there, but that is the closest major city. I will be moving back to Va in a few months and I want to get a sewin in January and I would prefer to go to someone in the area that is open to listening to any tips that I may have. Thank you for any suggestions.
i don't think they're too many richmonders out there besides me! and, unfortunately i don't know of any weavers personally. i can tell you this though...every body in richmond THINKS they can weave (even my 14 y/o daughter) so be careful! (richmonders represent, if i'm wrong!)
Lol, you are too funny swirl. That is what I heard so I wanted to get a recomendation from a LHCF member.