Weave wearers HELP!


New Member

I just left the salon. This was my first time getting a sew in. I was initially pleased with my weave until I got home and realized that brown thread is showing on the very top of my head. I got wet and wavy 1B hair. There is no way that I can cover this thread without exposing tracks.

I don't mind everyone knowing I have a weave. However, I do mind having a bad weave. I guess I expected more after paying $60 for the hair and paying the beautican $130.

I'm thinking about asking her to redo the top of my head using black thread. Would that be appropriate?
Why not?!?!!? You paid her for a service that you were not completely satisfied with. And you definitely don't want her to think she did a spectacular job when she did not. I have had this happen waay to many times...or maybe im just really picky but I just think I know what I want and that's that. In general, I think alot of black women are scared to go back to their beauticians for corrections but oooo boy when it comes to getting bad customer service at a resturant or something like that we can make an uproar. Sorry about the rant..at the end of the day...service is service and a paid service deserves to meet your expectations. And if she's reluctant to correct the way you like it...you know u need to find another beautician.
I would just call her and politely say that there is brown thread showing at the top of the tracks and that you would like her to fix that area.
I would then ask her when she would like me to come in to remedy the problem.
It's no different than smudging your fresh manicure. You always ask them to fix it. LOL
No one wants to pay for something that is not right from the beginning.

Good luck.
Yup, you should ask her to redo it. She knew when she was doing your hair it didn't blend well :nono: so she should have no problem redoing it!:grin:

If she tries to charge you extra, just take your money elsewhere. As for your hair....pick up a needle and thread and have one of your girlfriends replace the brown thread...it shouldn't be too difficult for them to do!
Another option is to get one of those color sticks from the beauty mart that covers gray. It comes in black and resembles a thick tube of lipstick but you can just rub it on the tracks if you really don't want to contact your stylist again. I agree with everyone else though, I think you should tell her to fix it!!!
Why in the world did she use brown thread anyway for 1b hair? Weaving thread is not more than $15, and even the BSS has cheaper thread for about $2.