Weave ruined my hair


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I'm new to the forums and after 3 back-2-back weaves, my hair is soooo thin and dry and just messed up. and where did all this gray hair come from in the front of my hair? Last summer I did 2 back-2-back weaves when I was training, and I think that's all my hair can handle. No more weaves for me.

If it weren't for this board and all of you sharing your experiences, I would be crying. My hair grows fast already, I just have to nurse it back to it's long, thick glory. I have my cassia, my henna is on the way, I can't take the MTG smell so I just ordered some sulphur. I'm off to some Indian stores in Berekely this weekend to get my Vatika and Alma oils.

Thanks ladies!

p.s. Oh, and my hairdresser is the BEST for ladies who want long hair. I always see BSL and waist length ladies in there because he TRIMS, not cuts, your hair. If it's not good for your hair he won't do it. He won't dye my grays cuz he says my hair can't handle it. (thus the henna) Follicles in Oakland, CA.
Sorry about your setback. Don't give up! You did it once you can do it again! Sounds like you have a first class stylist, one who actually cares about you and your hair. Henna will strengthen your hair. Give your hair a good rest and minimum tension on the scalp and strands for a while. bonjour
Hi and Welcome..
I've also had a similar experience with weaves...My hair was really scanty and extra weak cos of back to back weaves and appaling hair care...
I just started healthy hair care in September but by the end of cotober my hair had already made a noticable turn around. Right now, my hair is really full..i 'm suffering from the 'woof'(pooch) syndrome, but no complaints;)

You are on the right track...I bet you will have reason to be very pleased at hair progress in less than two months, so pls hang in there girlie.x
Hi Lady!
I wore weave for years as well. I have a wonderful stylist as well who helped me keep the hair I have! (I posted a tribute thread to him on this board.) Aren't those people GodSends?

You'll be amazed at how quickly your hair will turn around by finding the best hair care tips for you on this Forum. I joined in October and my hair is looking pretty good! In the coming months you too will find what works for you!

Good Luck!
Hi and welcome. When I used to wear sew in weave, my hair actually grew and was in good shape. My hair got damaged when I did the glue in and micro braids. I'm happy to see you're moving on the right direction, good luck.
Welcome to the board. Your reason is the reason is why I am giving up on weaves and braids for a while. I rather have healthy hair than length. At least you know that your hair is sensitive to weave and it might be best to spead them if you can't live without them.
starfish said:
Hi Ladies,

I'm new to the forums and after 3 back-2-back weaves, my hair is soooo thin and dry and just messed up. and where did all this gray hair come from in the front of my hair? Last summer I did 2 back-2-back weaves when I was training, and I think that's all my hair can handle. No more weaves for me.

If it weren't for this board and all of you sharing your experiences, I would be crying. My hair grows fast already, I just have to nurse it back to it's long, thick glory. I have my cassia, my henna is on the way, I can't take the MTG smell so I just ordered some sulphur. I'm off to some Indian stores in Berekely this weekend to get my Vatika and Alma oils.

Thanks ladies!

p.s. Oh, and my hairdresser is the BEST for ladies who want long hair. I always see BSL and waist length ladies in there because he TRIMS, not cuts, your hair. If it's not good for your hair he won't do it. He won't dye my grays cuz he says my hair can't handle it. (thus the henna) Follicles in Oakland, CA.

I'm sorry about your experience with the weaves. I'm sure many of the ladies on this board have found through trial and error that what works for one person's head, may not work for yours. Maybe your hair just doesn't like weaves. :confused: I've never had any problems with them, but my hair can't take individual braids. :ohwell: The most important thing is that you found the problem (and a great stylist which is hard to come by) and are on the road to fix it. Good Luck and HHG. :)
Once upon a time my hair was broken off from back-to-back weaves too. I know it's because I didn't know how to take care of my hair underneath the weave -- and my hairstylist was practicing some for real hair no-no's on my head. Now I know better. Good luck on your journey, hun. We'll all get to that healthy head of hair we desire.
I'm sorry about what happened to you.

I had a similar experience in the past with 2 back2back weaves when I had them done by a stylist right after getting a relaxer. It was put in way to tight with small braids and shouldn't have been done right after a bone straight relaxer.

I actually went back to weaving about 6 months ago. But I now put them in myself and only keep them in for 1 month at a time. I actually do wear them back to back but I don't put put them in too tight or with small braids. I sometimes only do 6 straight back cornrows for my weave. I wash/condition weekly. I try to moisturize daily. My hair is really growing and taking off with this method (which I credit to Reneice). I also stretch my relaxers for at least 3 months if not more. My hair also isn't relalxed bone straight.

I know that if I went back to the original way I had a weave put in (by a stylist) I would be back to thin hair too. I know you'll be able to nurse your hair back to health. But like others said what works for some doesn't work for others.

Keep us updated on your progress.
angie10 said:
Hi and welcome. When I used to wear sew in weave, my hair actually grew and was in good shape. My hair got damaged when I did the glue in and micro braids. I'm happy to see you're moving on the right direction, good luck.

that is exactly what happened to me...I had the sew in... beauriful growth...and then I got lazy and had someone glue them in real quick...

It was horrid....then...I did it again..:eek:

foolish me...

and now Im here..:)
girl - you see what my sign in name is right?? My hair can't handle it at all. I have fine hair and it simply can't handle the weight of the hair with combing brushing, getting wet , etc. it's just not for me either. happy growing girl.