Weave Removal


New Member
Hey all
I've just taken out my weave and started the washing process.
But what I do know is that I need HELP.:perplexed

When I take out the plaits, knots galore!!!
So much hair comes out I think I'm undoing all the good that has been done. HELP:whyme:

What is your regime for taking out your weave?
How long did you have your weave in?

Just think that you haven't combed or manipulated that hair in any way for a few weeks. So you are bound to have what seems like "too much shedding" but its normal. I combine all the hair from start to finish during my weave take downs and I get a ball of hair slightly larger than a deck of cards.

I wouldnt be alarmed, but closely assess the condition of you hair after you wash and styled it.
What I've done is use conditioner first before I remove the braids and it wasn't bad. If the braids are already out then, don't wet your hair yet. Try putting deep conditioner on your hair and let it soak overnight then rinse. Detangle slowly using fingers and a widetoothed comb. Some hair is going to come out but if you don't see breakage patches when you're done (hair visibly shorter in some areas) then you're fine.
Keep in mind that you are going to lose all of the shed hair that would have normally come out on a daily basis all at once. Try not to panic. I am sure what you are experiencing is normal. Do you see bulbs on the ends of the hair?
I considered that.
I do keep my weaves in for 2-3months and the growth last time was amazing, so I thought I'd do it again. But despite the growth the scary hair ball freaks me out because I have no idea how much hair ought to be coming out.

Weave Removal Regime: Last time I took the weave out, I combed it, washed and conditioned

New Improved Weave Removal Regime:This time I took the weave out, oiled and sprayed the hair with detangling lotion, combed the dead hair out out, steamed with oil now I'm going to wash it and condition it.

But I'm wondering if I've combed it too early?? And maybe I should condition/oil steam first and then wash and condition?
The hair you see coming out is most likely shed hair. That's normal. It couldn't fall out while the hair was braided. When I take my weave down I detangle my hair and then wash and DC. Make sure you detangle it and get the shed hair out before you wet it. If not, it could matt up on you.
OP, you didnt mention if your hair was braided by itself or if there was hair braided in with it? I know a lot of women like to get sew-ins without added hair because of bulk issues but a lot of braiding hair is not needed, my braids are never bulky, I use the hair for stability reasons. I find that certain people can get away with having installs with only their hair braided up even for extended periods of times, although I dont recommend it, while others, their hair knots and loosens and tangels. Mine is the latter. I have to have something in there to anchor the braid otherwise if I sweat even a little bit the braids loosen up so forget about keeping my hair and scalp moisturized. Of course they are not super tight but it creats a "buffer" in the braids so when I take them out I can just undo the cornrow without the tangles. I have the normal amount of shedding with next to no tangles and I can detangle, DC, wash, whatever and what have you.... and co-signing with what the other ladies said :grin:HTH
I add hair to my plaits under my weave. It keeps longer that way. And I've been known to leave my weave in for 3months at a time. The growth is always amazing.