
New Member
Ok so here is the deal. I am thinking about getting a weave sewn in to try something different. My hair is a bit longer than shoulder length. My hair is thick so I really don't want to add too much volume, I want to add length. Should I get a full weave, or a partial? The first and last time I got a weave it was a partial (with sections of my hair left out between tracks) and it was a disaster! You could tell where my hair ended because it was thick up until that point. Then at the bottom where the rest of the weave was it was all thin. So I am now attempting to try it again and I don't know which method to choose. This girl keeps telling me to get a partial, the same thing I got last time. She said it would look better because my hair will blend better with the weave and I have a lot of hair. That just doesn't sound right to me especially since my last experience. If I am adding length, shouldn't a full be better? Or maybe I don't know what I am talking about. Help me please help me please, I just want a good weave!
you can also do a partial weave where only the very back and edges and very top are left out. the middle section would be all braided up.

or she decides to leave hair out again, make sure shes using enough weft to match your normal thickness then MAKE SURE to have it cut, layered if need be to make it look natural. also flatironing your "natural" hair can better match your weave hair if its not quite the same texture and density.
I think you should get a full. I always get a full with a little hair left out at the top to cover the tracks, and it looks great. Have pics in my fotki.
See I think when the other girl did it, the weft wasn't thick enough at all. Plus she didn't cut it. I think it would be pretty layered if I did it that way. I wanted to get it with the hair left out around the back, edges, and at the top. But this chick is talking about "no I don't think...." I thought about a full too. We will see! Thank you ladies!
I think your weaveologist:grin:....must not be putting the right type of hair in your head. If length is what you want..you should be able to do a partial and have it look flawless your natural hair should blend in with the extensions. And she should be braiding/sewing in enough tracks so that the extensions match the density or thickness of your natural hair. What type of hair are you buying? Silky straight? yaki straight? Indian???? Well the type of hair you buy should closely match the color and texture of your natural hair for a flawless look.
Lol @ weaveologist. Well I fired the first one, I guess that's why I don't trust this one. I used Outre hair last time, I don't rembember anything else about it. I think the texture was a bit off, and the fact that not enough hair was being sewed in. But I do understand what you are saying. I am so nervous, but thank you for the tips!