Weave-Has Damage Already Been Done?


New Member
Hi ladies,

So i got a weave 4 days ago and i believe i made a BIG mistake. My hairdresser put it in a bit tight(i believe)... not so much the braiding but sewin it. When she sewed it, i would feel my scalp lift and tighten up!!And now that i have read all the many threads on how weaves can further damage already weak hair...I am freakin out. I have to wait until next weekend, day 11, to take it out and get it relaxed. Am I making a mistake by waiting till then? Is it possible to experience damage so soon? I was 7 weeks post relaxer. Is it ok to get a relaxer immediately after taking the braids out even though it would be only 11 days after taking the weave out?
I can't speak from a sew in perspective because I've never had one but I used to get micro braids a lot and I know that when I could feel the braids lifting up I could also see the little white root of my hair coming out so in my opinion it's not good to leave it in 2 long.

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I definitely would not recommend getting a relaxer right after. Way too much stress on your already fragile hair. I would detangle very carefully and use a protein treatment and wait at least 2 weeks for your next touch up.
If i had "weak" hair i would be more worried about the relaxer than the weave. If it is very tight, scalp raising up tight especially around the edges then have it taken out
ASAP...don't wait. But as for the relaxer, the box clearly says not to use it on "weak, damaged, or brittle hair". Especially if you're only 7 weeks post you'll only have an average of .5inches of NG. Not even a relaxer scientist could prevent overlapping during the application or wash out process on your hair. Not saying to give up relaxers, but I think a longer stretch while you baby your hair will do you well. I always thought that 4-6week rule even on "good" hair was excessive. Good luck!

oh yah: if you have to leave the weave in go buy yourself an eyebrow razor. at the areas where you feel the greatest pull just cut the thread. Trust me,.. your weave will not fall out just cuz a few threads are cut (I wish it was that easy). you could wait till weekend and have your stylist resow small areas less tightly (for free!) since the braids are fine. for $1 eyebrow razo you'll buy yourself some relief and maybe even weave longevity, lol
I took out a weave style (tree braids) after 3 days because it was too heavy and I felt that the braid pattern would be more damaging that helpful. When I took it down, I was right. The cornrows were not stitched down well and could have easily matted if I left the style in for 4 - 6 weeks like I planned.

I'd rather waste the money than ruin my progress.

As far as getting relaxers right after taking out tight braids, I would not recommend it. You scalp may already be sensitive and getting a relaxer on top of that might cause you some pain.
Lets see, some damage was probably instant w/the tight pulling. However, the damage process is gradual with this type of stress. It can be slow to take place. I believe the longer you keep it in the worse it will be for your hair. As painful as it may be on your pockets, you may be saving your hair to take it out early.
I had a tight weave years ago. It was done with braids sewn on a track. There was a part that really bugged me in the back of my head. My girlfriend looked and saw a sore so she helped me get that track out. There was a painful little sore where a plug of my hair came out.

If the weave is hurting,pulling or bugging you- take it out. I suggest you postpone getting a relaxer right now.
Thanks for the suggestions. I wish i could take it out now but i don't have the time to do it today. I will try cutting some of the thread to loosen it up. Hopefully it's not as bad as i believe it is(Now i have to find out how to take it out without cutting my hair).
Ouch How about washing it/wetting it? That may loosen it up if it's just a little tight. If not I guess taking it all out. Good luck to you!