Weave hair matting/tangling, only 3 weeks?


Active Member
What do I do? I took sis to get weave done w/Zury Micro Yaki 10" hair just 2 weekends ago and the hair is already in a tangled mess and is beginning to shed a little. She has to brush that thing many times during the day. What I blame it on is the stylist going over the hair with a pressing comb and curling iron, and while using spritz and styling products on the hair too. I thought it was excessive, now this.

I'm taking my sis back there to argue with the lady who says this should last for 3 months, but I was hoping to get suggestions from you ladies because I've never had a weave myself. Am I right in thinking it's the heat that caused all this? What's the best solution--wash/condition?

It might be a combo of the heat and the actual quality of the hair. One time I got a bag of weave that cost over 100 dollars and it lasted forever and a day! If it's poor quality weave (what I usually get) there's not much you can do to save it-at least from my experience. But washing and conditioning would make the weave less unruly. HTH!
Good or even decent quality human hair should not matte or tangle with or without heat in two weeks, Spritz and Flat ironing could have removed the coating on the hair which help the hair lie down flat in the package, I suspect that the hair she brought was not what it was labled just like high end shampoos that are labled salon but sold in the supermarket the manufacture often place warnings suggesting that the product is fraud or bootleg or tampered with' or expired. THIS hair may have been labled zury or whatever but was really synthetic or low quailty end hair. THERE are so many beauty supply stores with garbage and they sell to the uninformed. Look for blurry labels or cheap looking packaging itS prob. duplicated. Tell your friend don't take the risk only buy from well known high end suppliers it is worth it. She probably should spend above 100. for the hair from a high end supplier. OR she could buy from the BSS but find a good honest one?? Now thats too too hard to do.:)

Thx ladies for the explainations. Those really make sense, especially about the products stripping from the hair. I'mma take her back today for the lady to look at the hair. She continues to argue that it's good hair, and it looked and felt great in the package, but once the hair was complete the texture was made so straight and hard from the heat and products... it didn't look like the relaxed texture anymore. Worst case, I'll have her hair re-done for a cheaper price, hopefully, or whatever else this lady offers to do.
I agree with the other ladies. She probably damaged the hair by pressing and curling it. Hair fresh out the bag shouldn't need that much manipulation. Dry scorched hair behaves unruly and gets wirey much like our own hair. She can try washing and DCing the hair though. That should help get it in line.