Weave Experts!! Help!


New Member
I really want to do a full head weave (no hair out) with swoop bangs and I just can't figure out how to do it. I would rather not use a closure piece either. What pattern should I use and how do I arrange the wefts??

I really want to do a full head weave (no hair out) with swoop bangs and I just can't figure out how to do it. I would rather not use a closure piece either. What pattern should I use and how do I arrange the wefts??


For a full weave, I personally use the circular pattern. If you're DIY, you can braid straight back, just make sure they're small. As for the wefts, I start in a circular pattern, wrapping the tracks around twice. I then take the rest of the tracks and begin sewing them in the back until I get to the crown. This is when I use circular pattern and when there's about a dine sized amount of hair left at the top, I make a "pseudo-closure" out of some track hair. you basically take a rat-tail comb and some glue and wrap it around in a circle (you can sew it this way too). Then sew that little closure in the gap on top of the crown. HTH!