Weave Care... Share your Tips!


New Member
My new protective style is a sewn-in weave. I'm not really sure how to best take care of my hair while wearing one.

How, exactly, do I shampoo and condition with the weave in? I've read dire warnings about washing incorrectly and getting mildew and mold on the real hair underneath. How can I avoid this?

Please share any and all weave tips, because I need all the help I can get!
I would suggest being very careful when your hair totally soaked underneath the weave and the weave soaked also it can be very heavy, so make sure there not alot of tension on your real hair as you wash.

Also focus more on just cleaning the scalp. Try buying a soft toothbrush and softly scrub your scalp in between the braids underneath.

Also when your done washing you may want to blow drying your hair under the tracks...I wouldn't let it air dry, cause it feels yucky and it may build up mold if it stays wet to long.

Also when your done drying make sure you tighten your tracks by putting in some fresh treads.

If all else fails, just go to weave specialist or your stylist and they'll wash it for you.

-I hope this helps...it helped my when I wore weaves all the time.
I wash mine in the shower and then let it air dry while hanging loose. I've been doing it for years with no problem. Don't pull it up while it's wet or else the middle won't dry. You just have to make sure your hair underneath the weave dries completely. You can sit under the hooded dryer if you'd like.
Thanks, ladies!

I really hope this style works for me. Doing braids got too time consuming.

Hopefully some other folks will chime in, too.