Weave Care Question


New Member
I've got a very cute weave "do". Cornrowed in the front with deep wave human hair sewed in. Its been in about a week. How the heck do you keep the weave from frizzing? I put a hair net on and cover that with a satin sleep cap. We're talking serious coverage here. In the a.m. I just run my fingers between the sewed in rows and lift/shake for volume. But still there is some frizz. Do I just separate the offenders and roll them up? I haven't a clue. So Puuuhhhlllllllleeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeee, help a sistah out.
When I was wearing curly weave I would spray it down with braid spray when it would get frizzy! That helps keep it under control. You don't have to do that everyday though.
I am contemplating getting the same style. My concern is with the sewing process. I have worn weaves in the past, and experienced a lot of thinning after I took it out. I was told that the friction of the thread as it is pulled through my hair and the tracks is what was breaking my hair. Any one have similar experiences? What pro-active steps can be taken? All protective measure suggestions are appreciated.
SEBASTIAN WET is a great product it keeps styls like that w/deep waves in tact..a lil pricey but it works....
in response to the thinning after removing a hairweave....You are not actually experiencing thinning...it is just that the weave hair is thicker than you natural hair and once it is removed you feel like your hair is thinner than it was before. Weaves, if done correctly, are great for your hair. Your hair is able to rest. My hair has grown immensely while wearing weaves!!!!