Weave/Braids takedown step-by-step


Well-Known Member
I know, I know I can use the search function, but I think I need an instruction manual when I take my weave out. The last time I took my weave out...let's just say it did not end well. So, I need step-by-step directions on what to do. If possible I would like the focus to be on technique and type of products (oils, conditioners) instead of brand. Draft directions;

  1. Remove weave and thread
  2. Saturate hair with oil and possibly leave in overnight?
  3. Unbraid hair
  4. Detangle and remove shed hair
  5. Detangle, Detangle, Detangle
  6. Detangle some more. lol.
  7. Shampoo
  8. Condition
  9. DC under dryer/steamer
  10. Moisturize and seal
Where does clarifying and porosity come in? I have no idea after that.:sad:

About my hair. Last relaxer was 4/09 and I have been in braids or weaves since then. I think I am a 4b. My hair is really dry and I know I have moisture retention issues. Present install has been in about 9 weeks. I wash and condition once a week.

Type slow for me ya'll.

Thanks in advance.
1. Remove weave and thread
2. Saturate hair with oil and possibly leave in overnight?
3. Unbraid hair
4. Detangle and remove shed hair
5. Detangle, Detangle, Detangle
6. Detangle some more. lol.
7. clarify
8. hard protein under dryer
9. Moisturizer dc under steamer
moist & seal

I use ACV for porosity which will come in at step 10. last rinse leave in for 5-10 min then rinse
Ediese also has a highly informative thread on rdetangling after weaves. Do the search it may help u in the long run.
1. Remove weave and thread
2. Saturate hair with oil and possibly leave in overnight?
3. Unbraid hair
4. Detangle and remove shed hair
5. Detangle, Detangle, Detangle
6. Detangle some more. lol.
7. Clarifying Shampoo
8. Moisturizing Shampoo
9. Reconstructor (Strengthen Hair)
10. DC under dryer/steamer
11. ACV Rinse (Porosity and Seal Cuticle)
11. Moisturize and seal
Ediese also has a highly informative thread on rdetangling after weaves. Do the search it may help u in the long run.

I have that thread saved, but I was cloudy on what order to do things since the hair is in shock after takedown.

Another question, since I know my hair is dry, do I still need to clarify? Thanks.
1. Remove weave and thread
2. Saturate hair with oil (Amla Oil)and possibly leave in overnight?
3. Unbraid hair
4. Detangle and remove shed hair
5. Detangle, Detangle, Detangle
6. Detangle some more. lol.
7. Clarifying Shampoo
8. Moisturizing Shampoo
9. Reconstructor (Strengthen Hair)
10. DC under dryer/steamer
11. ACV Rinse (Porosity and Seal Cuticle)
11. Moisturize and seal

i do the same steps...i love Ediese's weave bible
when i take down my weaves as opposed to leaving oil in hair overnight i use a protein and sometimes a moisturizing conditioner as well. and detangle and get all the shed hairs out and then rebraid them and leave it in overnight then i rinse it out with a clarifying shampoo and continue with the rest of the process.