
New Member
I just wanted to know, am I the only one on this board that wears their hair down on a daily basis? I never pin it up in a bun or wear protective styles. I find that my hair breaks off easily when I pull it up and thrives better when it is worn down. Also I don't really see myself pulling my hair up once I reach my hair goal because then I would want it flowing on a daily basis.

I guess my questions are

1. Do you wear your hair down on a daily basis and still experience healthy hair growth or have met your hair goal while doing this?
2. Is it harder to maintain it like this as far as hair health
3. Are there special precautions I need to take in order to do this on a daily basis

Thanks Ladies
I wear my hair down practically everyday...I love to see it swing...but anyway, I havent seen a set back in my hair growth...But i am careful about certain materials (on my shirts, jackets, etc) that tend to snag my hair, so then I will wear it up.
I wear my hair down most of the time. I never wear buns, and I only wear it up when I'm in the mood.

I think that my hair grows just as fast either way, as long as I'm not "overstyling" it or using excessive heat.
Wearing your hair down doesn't interrupted the growth of you hair. I beleive a lot of women (like me) wear their hair up to conceal the ends and retain the growth. But hey, if you can do all that by wearing it down, I say go for it!

I wear my hair down, well, I wear a loose ponytail (no bun) moreso now that I am close to my goal. But I don't use any type of heat.

I think that wearing your hair down is most damaging when you are right at shoulder length. That's when your ends are constantly rubbing against your clothes. When you are above or below shoulder length it shouldn't be as much of an issue.
I wear my hair down. I was wearing pulled back in a ponytail but it was breaking off. I also have a phonytail that I were occasionally. I wear a silk scarf over my wool coat. When I wear a hat, I put on a silk skull cap under the hat (my hairdresser suggested this) to protect my hair. I also keep my hair moisturized, focusing especially on my ends.
When I was in high school, I wore my hair down practically everyday and this is when it growed most. I think the thick castor oil I was using helped to protect it from breaking off or becoming damaged. I've been wearing my hair down the past two weeks and haven't looked back.
Chanteuse said:
I think that wearing your hair down is most damaging when you are right at shoulder length. That's when your ends are constantly rubbing against your clothes. When you are above or below shoulder length it shouldn't be as much of an issue.

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See my hair is right at shoulder length. Just grazing my shoulders which I think is the worst length because of the constant rubbing. Especially because it is winter and I am wearing a lot of sweaters. I see now that I am really going to have to start treating my ends while it is at this length. I am going to see how my mango butter works on my ends.
Chanteuse said:
I think that wearing your hair down is most damaging when you are right at shoulder length. That's when your ends are constantly rubbing against your clothes. When you are above or below shoulder length it shouldn't be as much of an issue.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a really good point

I don't know if I could handle wearing my hair down everyday. Catching on stuff and whipping around. I'd be in the mirror every few seconds trying to put hairs back in place. I'd probably end up manipulating it too much
I also don't really use heat and it would be hard to resist grabbing a curling iron or something pretty frequently (I don't know how to rollerset--nor do I believe I have the patience to do it anyway
Thanks BlackCardinal.

Wolftrap, would you consider protective styles? A lot of people that are trying to grow their hair out can't get past shoulder length (w/out needing a serious trim which takes them right back to or above the shoulders) b/c of damage from wearing their hair out. There are of course other factors like your hair type, how dry your hair is, etc. IMO Protective styles will only help you reach your goals faster.
I know a lot of you guys are PRO protective styles but I just find that it tears my hair up. I was once wearing my hair up and found that it was breaking off and made it uneven. I don't think protective styles work for everyone. The only one that HAS worked for me is braids but I really don't want to go back to that.
I wear my hear loose everyday. My hair is mid-back length and I sport the braid-out style. I moisturize my hair at night and make four big braids. In the morning I separate the braids, moisturize again, shake my hair and go. I don't like the way I look with my hair pulled back away from my face so I don't wear buns and ponytails. My hair continues to grow, retain moisture and look very nice this way.
I wear my hair down and only pull it back in ponytails when it comes close to touchup time. I make sure I moisturize at night and do alot of deep conditioning. I don't think I would be content with bunning it everyday. I am an inch or two away from bra strap so maybe when my hair gets longer I will put it up more.
Well, you definitely should do what works for your hair and what you're comfortable with. If you are going to be wearing your hair down a lot, then I agree with what the other posters said about keeping your ends well moisturized. As long as you're treating your hair with TLC, you should be fine.
For those who wear it down everyday, how do you style your hair and how do you keep it smooth/straight (if you are relaxed)
I just wear my hair straight with a bend on the end. Since I go to the dominican stylists my new growth has not been an issue. I have them blow my roots and then wrap it. I then wrap my hair every night with a silk scarf and comb my hair down in the morning. I never have to use a curling iron or flat iron. I go to the dominican salon once a week to get this done.
I moisturize it at night before wrapping it up. But lately when I've been wearing it down, I throw rollers in it at night. It was last night I decided to wrap it, and the results were great! Too bad it snowed, and messed up my hair today.
no i normally wear it in a bun with a snood over my head. but since i touched up a couple days ago i decided to wear it down with my snood over it like i have in my photo album and maybe it's just me but i get very self conscious (sp?) when people comment that theyve never really seen my hair and that i have alot of hair. they say it in a nice way but it still makes me feel a way. to me it's a nice length but not long how i define long. i dont really know how to reply so i know i come off as looking uncomfortable with the compliments. i want to be able to take compliments and run with them in the future
i will work on accepting others comments better i guess.
I wear my hair down all the time. My hair is about 2 inches from brastrap in the back and shoulder length on the side. To make sure I don't have any breakage, I just make sure to moisturize my hair really good with something like mango butter. I've been experiencing with shea butter for the past week and I like that too. I personally am able to retain just as much length wearing my hair down than if I were wearing it in protective styles everyday. But that's just me. Other people are different. Anyway, you just have to make sure you keep your ends ultramoisturized, so they are strong and won't break off.
I usually wear my hair down and have since I was about 11 or 12 years old, I guess. Right now, my hair is close to my waist and I usually keep it this length, or just a couple of inches shorter.

Wearing my hair down hasn't affected the growth or health of my hair, but I know that everyone is different. What used to damage my ends was when I curled it everyday with a curling iron, but I haven't done that in over 12 years.

Sometimes I wear my hair up in a bun, French roll or some other kind of freeform updo, but it's rare. When I do a bun, I don't use pins. I just tuck the end of the hair into the underside of the bun. I might add hairsticks for decoration because they aren't damaging. For other updos, I use large hairpins with the balls on the tips (the types with the big gap between the prongs). They are gentle on my hair.

I've been thinking about doing styles like one or two French braids because I think they look nice and would last a few days. I just have to practice because I'm not too good at doing them yet.