Wearing longer twisted hair to bed?


New Member
My hair is getting longer (YAY!), and I am having a slight problem. My signature style is a twist-out and I do two-strand twistout. I am wondering how people with longer hair wrap their hair at night without bending their hair? Every wrap I have does not allow my hair to hang down, but instead makes my hair bend. Any suggestions? Thanks!
The only thing that I find that works when I do twistouts is actually retwisting at night (but larger chunkier twists will do and it will hold the previous twist pattern from the days before)...and I roll my ends at night. A friend of mine that has naturally curly uniform 4a hair at the ends retwists at night and takes a hot shower in the morning (without a scarf/bonnet). She said that the steam itself rejuvenates the ends of her hair that may have become mashed down on the pillow. Good luck! :)