Wearing hair down on special occasions?


New Member
Ok I know that most of us only wear our hair down on special occasions and protective styles the rest of the time. My question is, what do you ladies consider to be special occasions where you would actually appy heat to your hair and wear it down? Does a new job count or maybe even meeting with friends for dinner?
a special occasion for me is when i go somewhere with my husband, when i just wanna be cute for my hubby, if i wanna blow dry my hair just to wear it down (no reason really), if i go somewhere with friends. but by now i really love the protective styles cause i don't like having my hair in my face all the time. my signature hair style are two braids or one braid.
Thanks Nay, Yeah I agree that going out with my husband is considered a special occasion. Especially if I know his friends or family will be present, so I can make him feel like I am trying to look my best for him.
I'm really bad with this..I wear my hair down too much or in a ponytail (which isn't really a protective style b/c I don't tuck my ends)
..But recently I've been wearing single braids and buns..A major recovery for me..

I need to set limits on when I wear my hair down..So special occasions, huh? I will definitely try to make this a new principle... That sounds good..
I roller set my hair Thursday night and wore it down Friday for class pictures at school. I wanted my little first grade babies to remember their teacher as being cute! (and I was cute,girl)

I had a long debate with myself whether or not I would actually wear my hair down, but it was fun--lots of attention from fellow teachers wanting to know of course why I don't wear the hair down more often, blah blah blah. All of my little students, boys and girls, were just in love with me. They were so cute and I just love them too. One little girl told me that my hair wasn't weave! Apparently, she's been lead to believe that long hair=weave. It was worth wearing my hair down, also I got to see that my ends really are in good condition. That's one thing about air-drying, it makes your ends look frizzy sometimes when they're really okay.

Sorry so long.
Yeah wearing my hair up and rinsing daily REALLY works for my hair. I am so stupid because this is what I use to do before I started taking better care of my hair after I got a bad trim or some breakage. I would just start wetting my hair everyday and putting it up and then a month later I would wear it down again after it grew back an inch or so. I should of stuck with this routine for a while I would be at brastrap length.
i pretty much wear it down whenever i want. it doesn't necessarily have to be a special occasion. i wore mine down the first days of my new job, when i went to a club last weekend, a first date, whatever. the thing is, the majority of the time, i wear it up more than down.

i love the benefits of protective styles, but i WILL enjoy my longer hair too. otherwise, what's the point of it all? ya know?
Good to hear this Adrienne!! I will make myself wear it up more..The hardest part for me is to wear it up after a fresh rollerset..All that body and bounce to waste...**Sigh**..
Special occasions to wear my hair down are when I go out with my husband, at family gatherings like the hollidays(not all the family gatherings), and rarely I sometimes wear it down to go to my classes, when it is not too hummid outside(Florida). Other than that I usually wear my hair in a bun or in two braids with Native American hair laces on each end(I don't know their real name)
Zanna, that sounds cute (the style with the Native American hair laces) You know you just have to post some pics of that,right?
I know this may sound crazy, but I don't really wear my hair down at all anymore. I think when I reach my hair goal I will ALL THE TIME
, but right now, I am trying to do everything in my power to keep my hair from being damged.

I love my hair down and long and straight, but right now I am too focused on no damage. I get depressed sometimes, because I think I look a lot better with my hair down, but I think it is helping me to be more self confident, because I can't hide behind my hair.
To get back to the question...I plan on relaxing my hair once I reach mid-back length all over, and then I plan on waering my hair down whenever I want to...AND LUV IT...LOL
It's funny you mentioned that you get depresed sometimes wearing it up, so do I. However, it will be so worth it once I hit mid back-bra strap. So keep your head up!
Thank you for the compliment Supergirl! I unfortunately don't have pictures of my two braids. I don't take many pictures of my hair unfortunately.
Since I went to Italy in March, I have started wearing my hair out more often. I probably wear it loose or in ponytails and braids more often than I do in a bun. I agree with Adrienne, why have long hair and keep it in a bun all of the time.
I like to wear my hair down when I'm going out for a few evenings in a row or something, hanging out with girlfriends sometimes. Or just when I feel like it. Sometimes I just want to do a rollarset and go back to straight hair worn down which I still do from time to time in a month.

I think you may as well enjoy the rewards of continuous protective styling. Plus I like to switch up between curly/braid outs/buns and straight hair for versatility.
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zanna said:
I sometimes wear it down to go to my classes, when it is not too hummid outside(Florida). Other than that I usually wear my hair in a bun or in two braids with Native American hair laces on each end(I don't know their real name)

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What do you mean? It's always humid in Florida?
By the way, are those laces similar to thin ribbons?
Hi Brownie,
About the humidity, yes we have most of the time a high percentage of humidity. the hair get drier during and around winter time. June to november is the hurricane season so it's = to humidity and heat
About the Native American laces, they are actually leather pieces with hooks like boots(shoes) would have, and laces on top that you can cross drown and tie to secure the leather piece around your hair lock or braid. I got it at the Native American festival that I go to, every year in Ormond Beach.