Wearing a fro all the time?


Well-Known Member
I wish it could be that I could but I get so many SSKs!! I like wearing my hair twisted too but I have to twist wet (my hair is too coarse and kinky to do it dry). When I use ORS twist and loc it makes the shrinkage even worse. Is there a good twisting product out there that doesn't make shrinkage worse? I'm thinking of buying Keracare's new cream that's supposed to be great for twisting but $20 a jar?? Has anyone tried it?
have you ever tried banding your hair to stretch it and then twisting it when its dry or almost dry, to reduce shrinkage? i cant twist my hair when its wet because the twists will just unravel b/c my curls are looser, esp at the top, but when my hair is like 3 days old (from a wash n go) i can mist it with a little water/condish mix and then twist it and it doesnt shrink as much because its not soaked.
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