We Use The Same Products/Product Lines, But Have Totally Different Hair Types


Do you have anyone like this in your real life or even here on the boards?

Post Pictures of what your hair looks like and what theirhair looks like or resembles if you don't have specific pictures. Which products do you both use specifically?



My friend Ivory, who has more so 1b hair (white people like hair), and I (4A/B) are the only people in my life who are active about their hair care. She is actually black and white, but her hair came out more so white. She does hot oil treatments, DC's, goes to a stylist to keep her hair color/highlights up, and ends trimmed etc..so we are both really into the same type of hair care treatment. Unlike anyone else I know.

She use to have hipbone jet black hair. Now she has cut it into MBL layers with color and highlights. So we are always talking about the latest conditioners, shampoos, leave ins, flat irons, blow dryers etc... We actually use very similar products. Well we are usually both using the same brand, but sometimes different lines in the brand.

We like

*Aubrey Organics Conditioners (Honeysuckle Rose, Island Naturals, White Camelia)
*Giovanni Conditioners (50/50, Smooth As Silk, Direct Leave In)
* TJ Nourish Spa Line
*Natural Oils (Jojoba, Castor(Hot Oil Treatments)) etc...

This is really all that I have in my bathroom in terms of washing products. I have to take it a step extra with heavy cream moisturizers when handling my hair for styling, shea butter, ORS loc and twist gel, stuff I need because my hair is nappy and really picky.
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