We Are Bringing The Feature Of The Month Back !


Admin (November 2020 Photo)
Staff member
For those of you who remember, we use to a have feature of the month section. A member was featured each month.

After the upgrade , this section of the site will come back.

If you are interested in being feature, please send me a private message, or reply in this thread and I will send you the details. Here is a sample of a previously featured member.

Also if you would like to nominate someone to be featured please let me know !

We are looking for all lengths, textures, and hair types (natural and relaxed). We just want to see pictures that show progress/healthy hair. You can include before & after pics of your hair journey or just current pics (your choice).

Thanks for your help as we strive to improve this site. Below is a sample of a previously featured member.

(1) What is your hair care regimen?
I keep my hair in braids about 80% of the time. If I go out at night, I'll put a wig over my braids but most of the time they are in a bun. If I'm not in braids, I'm usually in a braid out. Every weekeend I shampoo in about 10 braids then deep condition and steam with LeKair Cholesterol Plus. A few days later I undo each braid and split it into 2 or 3 smaller braids, then cowash with Giovanni Nutrafix. I use Shea Moisture Curl and Style Milk to moisturize and seal with Proclaim Natural 7 Argan Oil- I love the scent!

I workout so I may cowash more often depending on whether or not I need it. If I don't feel like cowashing but my scalp needs refreshing I'll use Home Health Hairever Cleansing Scalp Treatment diluted 10:1. It tingles a lot, so if you like that feeling, you'll love this product. Since November I've virtually cut out combs and brushes (I've used them on only 2 occasions). It's helped tremendously with breakage. I used to detangle with my denman at every cowash and step out of the shower and see my curls all over the walls. I'm also trying to move to exclusively natural products but I haven't found a DC that compares to the LeKair.

(2) Do you take any supplements? If so, what are they?
I take a daily multivitamin, 2 fish oil, and 1 or 2 calcium supplements each day. I've taken Hairfinity vitamins but not consistently; I've used 4 bottles over the 3 years I've been natural and I only took 1 per day.

(3) Currently, how long is your hair and what is your hair type?
I'm armpit length right now. I have very fine hair that can be quite porous. I have very kinky and frizzy curls so I consider it to be 4A.

(4) What are the things that you feel have helped you the most in achieving and maintaining your hair length?
Of course, all the wonderful members here have helped me tremendously. I've been wearing braids all my life so my styling hasn't changed much. Sticking to what I know and what works has definitely helped me maintain my growth. Going forward I'm focusing on trimming on a schedule and keeping my hair braided (no extensions).

IMG_6180.JPG IMG_6241.JPG

Just the incentive I need to get my hair done! Now I got a reason.

More importantly, I can drool over all the future upcoming beautiful, afro-textured hair that will be featured.
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this is nice, is the app back

No app, but this site is supposed to be web enabled for your phones browser. If you still experience a specific problem after the upgrade I definitely want you to PM me to see what you missing as compared to when you used the app. The color scheme will be different, so you will be able to tell when the upgrade is done. Thanks for letting me know your concerns.
No app, but this site is supposed to be web enabled for your phones browser. If you still experience a specific problem after the upgrade I definitely want you to PM me to see what you missing as compared to when you used the app. The color scheme will be different, so you will be able to tell when the upgrade is done. Thanks for letting me know your concerns.
Will they finally fix the issue with uploading pictures?
The problem was fixed in 2017 based on what I remember but there us a thread with tips and you can do a test in there to see if you can post.


if you still have problems after that please send me a PM :)
No I know how to upload pics. I meant having to resize pics to under 1 MB in order to upload them. The old board, pre-update, didn’t have that problem. Is that gonna stay the same in the new system too?
I’ve been here on and off for some time and I don’t remember feature of the month. I’m excited :bouncegreen: