Ways to Curb PJism


New Member
I started tying to lessen my Pjism. I know that their are some challenges going on to stop buying products for 3 months. I know that is impossible for me. I was wondering what some of you guys do to help curb your pjism.

This month I budgeted 50.00. If I don't spend it then it will go to next month. I want a steamer. I already spend 26.00 on silcon mix, ms keys, but they are the big tubs so I won't have to go back for a while?

What do you do?
How has it been working for you?
Do you even try?
I used to be a conditioner junkie :p But now that I know what works for me so I have bottles & bottles of conditioner just sitting under the sink:ohwell:
So, I'd say that the way to curb it is, when you find a product that does what you like- stick with it. That is all :)
I am still a conditioner junkie. I have two 16 oz jars of conditioner gumbo to use. I just went home and took all the bottle and jar remnants and mixed them together with some oil from the dollar store (90% soybean 10% evoo) and am going to use it. I did buy some more Garnier smooth and sleek 3 min conditioner for my ends. It does wonders on keeping the frizz down.
During the summer I only bought one pruduct--curly custard in June.

At the end of september--I splurged and spend way too much money on various products. I think I was just bored with the products I have. Now I have enought styling products to put on rotation for awhile. For my last splurge I figured well I don't go to the salon anymore so I can spend on products. Then I got bored with the same hair and went to the salon for a trim and style.

Today I'm going back for color. I think I'm just bored with my hair and want to change it up a bit. After today I'm scaling back. I cannot justify buying anymore hair products.

To curb pjism I think you just have to stop buying or tell yourself after I finish the bottles/jars I have then I will buy such and such product.

or keep away from temptation by taking a break from hair boards.... :lachen:
I just try to avoid the products until I run out or need something. I try to not even walk down those aisles containing products. Plus once you have tried almost everything, you sort of know which ones will work great and which ones are crap.
Part of my problem used to be feeling anxious about products that I wanted to try. To alleve that, I started making a list of products I wanted to try. For instance, if I run out of leave-in and there's a new one on my list to try, I can get the new one or stick to the old one f I like it that much.
This helped tremendously. I had an urge to buy a Dominican con yesterday, but I resisted. I'm so proud of myself.
Switching to natural/organix products has helped too. Those lines are a whole new world so it requires more homework and a little more deliberation in purchasing. It slowed me down a lot b/c I was more concerned with reading ingredient lists & really analyzing the purpose of the product with respect to my regimen. I decided to ride Nexxus out til the end of the year and slowly buy my natural/organic stuff so it's in place when January comes.
Another tip is buying smaller/sample sized bottles. These usually run between $1-$3 so it's not as big of a deal if you don't like it or if you have a whole bunch of them.
Think of all the other wonderful things i.e. shopping, vacations, investing that you could do with the money you spend on products you don't need.
And if you just like the variety of trying different things, you could always sell the things you're not using here on the board. It's a great way to clear out stuff and recover some of the expense of the products. Then you could recycle the money into your hair budget or put it in a savings account for something special.
i try to tell myself that no i dont need this and that i already have something that does the same at home...or to wait until i have used all of something up before i go and buy something else...i dont go into BSS or i stay away from the beauty aisles of stores...and just go in with a list of what i actually came in for....i just really over spurged for this month...so i wont be buying any products for very long time....
spend less time on the board lol. but for real in the last two months i havent been here as much so i dont run out to buy the lastest product being raved about. i still have shelves full of hair products to clear :ohwell:
I have a hair budget. I allow myself to spend $40 a month on my hair. If I dont spend it one month, I can carry it over to the next and treat myself to a salon visit (Wash & Set).
This what I do:

1. create a written budget amount and stick with it.

2. keep a list and write down the products I'd like to try vs. running out to buy them.

3. When I do buy things, I put my reciepts with my budget and subtract the amounts from my budget so that I don't go over.

4. Start checking things off my Wish List as I buy them.

5. It has helped that I have found my staple products so most of my budget goes towards purchasing them.
1.Don't go into to beauty supply just to "browse"...have a list and stick to it. 2. Avoid the hair aisles at the store.
3. Make a list of all the things you would like to try...after a week or two of reading reviews, you'll end up crossing a lot of stuff off.
4. Don't read any other hair forums besides LHCF.
I have so many products that I decided that I can't buy more until I either give away the ones that I don't like...or finish the ones that I do. For example, I have so many conditioners but I refuse to buy anymore until I use up the ones that I have. I put myself on this plan at the beginning of the summer and so far so good.

Also...I think it's important to look at product ingredients. It's easy to get the urge to try something new, but if you know the product contains ingredients that don't get along well with your strands...then don't get it, no matter how big the hype is. I try to stick with things that I know that I will like based on past experiences with similar products.
MeccaMedinah said:
I used to be a conditioner junkie :p But now that I know what works for me so I have bottles & bottles of conditioner just sitting under the sink:ohwell:
So, I'd say that the way to curb it is, when you find a product that does what you like- stick with it. That is all :)


I always have a feeling even though I like what I am using there is something better and believe me I try to find it.
Oh, well I am fifty dollars in the hole. My budget is shot to h*ll. I forgot I ordered 4 bottles of MTG. Maybe that doesn't count because that is technically not a hair product. It is for horses. Ooookkkk! I am back at +24.
When I stopped buying products with parabens, it put a screeching halt on my PJ-ism. Since then, I have finally found products and a routine that truly work for me. I'm sticking to it. I have even gotten my conditioner junkie-ism under control by refusing to buy more conditioner until the one I'm using is gone, or near gone.
I'm a pj too. Partly because I have new texturizer, and still trying different hair styles. One thing that shuts down PJ is braids. A corn rowed bun or braided hair style should only require a braid spray. Less product use because your hair is in a protective style.
benosayi said:
Oh, well I am fifty dollars in the hole. My budget is shot to h*ll. I forgot I ordered 4 bottles of MTG. Maybe that doesn't count because that is technically not a hair product. It is for horses. Ooookkkk! I am back at +24.
about that MTG
How about I get horse care and accessory magazines in my maibox and I live in an apt in "city" area. I know my mailman is like what the heezie is she up to:wink2: ?
first of all, i try to buy from stores that have a good return policy. if it did not work for me, i return it. i'll give it 1 try, 2 if i'm on the fence, thats it. if i can get a sample, which usually you cant, i'll buy the sample size. or, if you know someone who is a stylist well, get them to give you a little bit of whatever to try at home. it's best to bring your own little container if you go that route:lachen: hey, just trying to save a buck
I don't know one day I just gave all my products away or threw them out. I guess I really became disgusted with the amount of products that I had. I got ris of all them and I absolutely refuse to buy anymore, so I guess you can say I quit cold turkey :lol: .