Wave Nouveau Re-Rod Pics


Aug 16, 2011 got WN on my natural hair. Old school did a good job but she wanted to "trim" my hair. Well it looked good for 2wks then went to a curly fro. Now that's not what I paid $85 for. So I called her and she took me yesterday. We used smaller rods and she used a rolling technique called piggy backing, where 2 rollers were used on each section of hair. There were still some spots that could have been curlier but I'm cool I guess. I will just make sure I wait longer b4 I wash it and I have Care Free Snap Back on hand as well as Care Free Moisturizing Shampoo because she claims that regular shampoo stripped my curls.

#sideeye Why did she once again pull out the scissors to cut my dead ends. I must have given her the look of looks. Then she said "Would you rather I not?" I told her I would get it trimmed when it was straight. Now b4 you defend old school she was about to cut the "dead end" that was a section that didn't curl and was hanging longer than the rest. She already got me last time without my permission. This time I wasn't having it....

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This is cute! I miss my W N, or I really should day that I wish I knew hoe to take care of my hair when I had one. It was the best wash and go hair til it all broke off from too much moisture.
YASSS! You look marvelous darling!!:yep:

I like that before curly fro a lot too:sekret: Whats your daily maintenance like?
Really cute. Can you straighten it?
Cute! So how long should you wait to wash?

I'm trying to wait 2wks if I can but I just might say to hell with it and wash it next wk.

Cute. You look a bit like Jackee Harry.

I prefer Saaunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndra :rofl:

Your hair looks really cute. So is this like a perm or something? Or just a style using rollers?

It is a thio perm that requires soul glo juices

This is cute! I miss my W N, or I really should day that I wish I knew hoe to take care of my hair when I had one. It was the best wash and go hair til it all broke off from too much moisture.

Too much moisture? huh what were you doing sleeping in a cap every night? Tell me what to avoid.

YASSS! You look marvelous darling!!:yep:

I like that before curly fro a lot too:sekret: Whats your daily maintenance like?

Daily I spritz and go I comb every few days. Sometimes I wear a cap.
i remember my WN days. doing my hair was so simple. but i hated how hard it was to get that good balance between it being moisturized but not too wet. and then having to deal w. the humidity down here which would make it as wet as a mop no matter how little product i put in it. and when it rained and stripped my hair of the product it would become a huge afro.... :scratchch yeeeeeeeaaaa...guess i dont miss WN as much as i thought i did when i began this post :lachen: but it looks good on you though
This just reminded me of a movie.

Did you see Legally Blonde? In that movie the daughter, who killed her dad, lied about being in the shower when he was killed....washing her hair shortly after getting a curly perm. She was caught in a lie on the stand because one cannot wash a curly perm too soon or they will lose the curls.
Cute!!! I see those green/white bottles in the background on the last pic. I loaded up on each one when I saw them. The detangler is great!
Very nice. I loved that you refer to her as old school.

PS... she should've known about piggybacking the first time. Thats a hair school basic right there
I need to put a foot up old school butt. I have parts of my hair that are almost waist and parts that are 3in long. She muffed up my head and she gotta make amend:dollar: