Wave nouveau - are there any specific tips?


"Honestly, Truly"
<font color="blue"> Hi, me again! I'm just wondering, I've been doing through the threads (or trying to at least!) and i've noticed most of you have either relaxed hair natural hair.

My hair is curly permed. I've only started using these boards and i'm wondering if I can adapt a regimen that is 'curly perm' I've only started out and have a few ideas about what I should do, but it would be nice to hear from others who have the same type of hair.

Also, if I tried to give my hair a break for a while, will all the perm break off?

xx </font>
Thanx again!

Welcome to the board CharUK --

I had a Wave Nouveau in my hair successfully before until a bad stylist didnt neutralize correctly one day. Anyways, I would be very careful in trying to handle the two textures - processed and natural - especially for extended periods. Keep it well moisturized and avoid excessive manipulation - this includes braids and weave too since the added weight of the extensions may really cause your hair to snap off at the new growth.

I looked at your pics and you have a good length so I woould assume you already know quite a bit about caring for your hair
I used to put extra activator/moisturizer in my hair at nite and tie it down (not necessarily wrapping) just to keep the moisture in at night.

Many ladies on the board (me included) swear by making our own spray leave-in using distilled water and natural oils like olive, jojoba, etc.. some also add leave-ins and conditioners we may like. If you dont have a spray moisturizer u like, you could also try this.

And then.. if you already have a lot of breakage, you will need protein to curb it. I wish I had know this when that mean stylist detroyed my hair. It broke horribly and so quickly then - emergency protein treatments may have saved it. Start off with a strong one like Aphoghee Treatment for Damaged Hair or Joico K-Pak or Aubrey Organics GPB.. and once the majority of the breakage has stopped you can get a milder protein conditioner for maintenance - I like Aveda Curessence alot. I still use the Aphoghee though, about a week after each relaxer, just in case. With the protein you have to be sure to follow-up with a moisturizing conditioner though.

Anyways, to end my long post, I hope this helps and you can PM me for more info if you like. I'll try to post some old pictures soon for you
I had a wave nouveau a few years ago. All I did was use the Care Free Curl Gold cream every day (or every other day) &amp; trim the ends every couple of months. What are you trying to achieve with you hair? Are you trying to grow out the wave nouveau?
Hi again guys! Thanx for responding, O.K, its a long winded story, so i'll copy and paste what i've posted on several boards:

*cutting a long story short, my hair is short now, I cut about 4 inches off, it's thinning of one side and just looks bad)*

Please take the time to read, this post also has pictures attached


Another copy and paste:
Well I'm going to try this:

(I've only just started on this forum, so i've still got old shampoo's)

Shampoo - Porosity control, Ion vitalizing thickening shampoo, Elasta QP conditioning shampoo - Once a week to start (alternating shampoo's?)

Conditioner - Porosity control ph 4.5 corrector and conditioner, Ion thickening conditioner, Elasta QP intense fortifying hair conditioner Lustrasilk herbal cholesterol deep conditioning cream, every week.

TCB hydrating hot oil - Once a month.

Now for these products, i've only just purchased them, so I have no idea what the best ways to use them are:

Doo gro Thickening growth oil
Surge 14 spray
woojee Cream
Lotion motion 9

I have curly perm, by wave nouveau and I use activator daily, i've recently purchased Wave Nouveau moisturing lotion to apply on my hair (I usually use soft'n'free.

I want to use Surge 14 twice a day, every other day, doo grow on the other day. Woojee last thing at night.

Lotion motion after a hair wash? Does this sound O.K?

Let me know if I should be doing anything else! I really appreciate it (I think i'll have to print this off to remember it all!

So basically, my hair is the pits, and i'm getting more and more depressed about it, especially when I look at how lovely it was last year
Could it be that it wasn't neutralized properly? That's what messed my hair up &amp; I had to cut it all off. I think your regimen is fine. Do you take supplements? A good multi-vitamin &amp; MSM might help.
i'm not sure about the neutralizing, my aunt does my hair, and has always done it, so I don't know, however, just before I left for Jamaica (when I chopped it all off) I had my hair done by someone else because my aunt was away. This was february, i'd say my hair started playing up in march/april.

I usually take hair vitamins and b complex, now i'm just taking vit and mineral multi's and starflower (for my eczema)

Very possibly it could be something that your last stylist did when she was processing your hair. I am no expert but I would defintely suggest you use some protein to stop the breakage - since its so far from the actual event that may have caused it, I dont think neutralizing at this point would help...

Also, I forgot to note that when I had my WN I did not wash my hair very often because washing stripped it so much that it took days (literally) to recover and not be dry and frizzy looking.

For an emergency regimen I would suggest, wash with your most moisturising shampoo, apply the strong protein conditioner according to the bottle instructions, and after rinsing out carefully apply a moisturizing conditioner (check the ingredients to make sure it doesnt have any protein if at all possible). With your final rinse then you need to put the moisture back in: for this, use some type of curl moisturizer, activator gel (Carefree Curl, Wave Nouveau, or something specific for restoring curly perms) - apply on your damp hair. Seal your ends with a little oil - olive or jojoba or anything you like that is not too heavy. Then tie it down with a scarf - satin preferably. Wear it like this as much as possible for it to retain moisture and spritz as needed with a moisturising spray or apply more curl activator. You hair should be soaking this stuff up because of the regular chemical processing along with the damage inflicted by the latest processing.

Protein can help your hair, but too much of it can also hurt as well. Maybe you can do the protein treatments once a week until the breaking subsides to a more maneagable level. Surge contains protein but I would be careful in using it, because you want to be able to control the application of protein and how fast it is removed. It may probably dry your hair more. But I am no expert so you may want to try it and see how your hair repsonds - dryness after using it is a bad sign.

Another thing - if your ends are damaged - check to see if its breakage or split ends. Seriously split ends I would suggest you trim them judiciously since there's no repair if they are in really bad shape. If the strands are breaking because they are weak, the protein should help.
Sorry double post -- Edited to leave:

I am sorry that you are going thru this - I have been there.. looking at it coming out and now knowing what to do. But simpler is better I've found - give it protein and moisture and a time to rest and it should be okay. HTH.
Thank you! I've wrote down everything (my printer is broken! That shows my dedication! lol) my lustrasilk deep conditioner has protein in, will this be o.k? or should I get a protein only conditioner?! Wow! I can't believe that's all the questions I have left! I've trimmed more ends off today, i'm quite sad, but it's all my own fault anyway, just having a pity party.

I really appreciate all the help you have given me.