
I think it's vital and not just for hair growth but for your health as well tbh.

But I do think 64oz every single day is a bit extreme if you're not exercising. I can't drink as much as I'd like because I have a office job that requires me to be on the phone for a very long period of time. When I was drinking 2 28oz a day I had to use the restroom an awful lot:paperbag:
I think it's vital and not just for hair growth but for your health as well tbh.

But I do think 64oz every single day is a bit extreme if you're not exercising. I can't drink as much as I'd like because I have a office job that requires me to be on the phone for a very long period of time. When I was drinking 2 28oz a day I had to use the restroom an awful lot:paperbag:
Your body gets used to it once it becomes a regular thing. It usually takes me about 3 weeks to stop running to the bathroom after every 20oz. cup

@jennifer30 staying hydrated will do some amazing things.