Water in My Oil Infusion...How to Seperate?


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies

I tried to infuse my coconut oil with nettle, amla, henna, and some other herbs. I think I added to much amla and henna because it seemed to turn into a paste. After a while, it was more liquid-form.

I took it off the stove and let the oil sit for the day. I came home and it looks like the oil is floating above water and the herbs are settled on the bottom.

Has this happened to anyone?

I'm thinking I should just scoop out the oil from the top of the mug. However, I don't think the oil is properly infused because all the herbs are on the bottom.

If this hasn't happened to you, do you have a successful method of infusing oil (without the use of a crockpot)?

Oil and water do not mix that's why they are separating. I usually make infused oils by placing the oils and herbs in a jar and place them on the window sill.
Oil and water do not mix that's why they are separating. I usually make infused oils by placing the oils and herbs in a jar and place them on the window sill.

But I didn't add water to the infusion. Oooohhhh....wait. The mug was hot and I put a saucer on top of it before I left for the day. I think the water may have come from condensation.