Watching Tyra.....

Lucky's Mom

New Member
I never really watch Tyra - But today's episode intrigued me....
There is a young lady - who feels that she is NOTHING/UGLY without her weave. She is hooked on weaves and wigs.....

I thought about LHCF immediately..... We have worked so hard to grow our OWN hair..... And I am grateful for all of you, oldies and newbies.... for helping me find my own beauty - without wigs or weaves...

I hope that she will find us one day.....:yep: She is beautiful... and if she had 2 years... she would have WSL hair!
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I say leave the psychos where they be...just kidding. Seriously, this place has basically weaned me off of phony pony's and the like. I don't find ANYTHING wrong with these things but I've found the glory of my own hair. I do want to venture into half wigs and the like because I've never worn one. Just haven't had a reason to run out and buy one.
I saw this. I kinda think that every person is dependent on something, real or fake, and use things as crutches. It is unfortunate that people feel this way. They were beautiful, they just had to see that, whether they wore weaves, makeup or not. I wouldn't fault weaves and not having long hair to be an indicator on whether someone feels beautiful, because there are many bald headed women, who feel beautiful. She like most and me, need to take care of what she was born with.
I saw this. I kinda think that every person is dependent on something, real or fake, and use things as crutches. It is unfortunate that people feel this way. They were beautiful, they just had to see that, whether they wore weaves, makeup or not. I wouldn't fault weaves and not having long hair to be an indicator on whether someone feels beautiful, because there are many bald headed women, who feel beautiful. She like most and me, need to take care of what she was born with.

Right... I was just saying that I am really grateful for LHCF.....
Did she say her hair was damaged? Or was it just a self-expression thing?

No - it was a self esteem issue.

I say leave the psychos where they be...just kidding. Seriously, this place has basically weaned me off of phony pony's and the like. I don't find ANYTHING wrong with these things but I've found the glory of my own hair. I do want to venture into half wigs and the like because I've never worn one. Just haven't had a reason to run out and buy one.

Well, yea....

Just like Tyra :ohwell:...I hope shes not giving out advice.

Uh... I am with you on Tyra trying to give out "let's be real" advice....It is a bit reeediculous......

I posted this to higlight LHCF..... Not to really bash anyone. I am grateful for my LHCF sisters - long hair, short hair, Curly, Relaxed, etc....They are working to love themselves and their own locks.
That means alot to me.:yep:
I posted this to higlight LHCF..... Not to really bash anyone. I am grateful for my LHCF sisters - long hair, short hair, Curly, Relaxed, etc....They are working to love themselves and their own locks.
That means alot to me.:yep:


I feel you.

I think the point of your post wasn't to criticize ol' girl. It was to show gratitude to the board for showing women another way of life, hairwise.

I sometimes wonder if it weren't for this board and other online tools, how many of us would be weave queens/addicted to relaxers/believing we can't grow long hair.

ETA: I'm very glad that I've found you ladies. :) I would still be rockin a pixie cut (fly, nonetheless :lachen:) and believing my hair can't grow past my neck.

I feel you.

I think the point of your post wasn't to criticize ol' girl. It was to show gratitude to the board for showing women another way of life, hairwise.

I sometimes wonder if it weren't for this board and other online tools, how many of us would be weave queens/addicted to relaxers/believing we can't grow long hair.

ETA: I'm very glad that I've found you ladies. :) I would still be rockin a pixie cut (fly, nonetheless :lachen:) and believing my hair can't grow past my neck.
You got that right!:lachen: I knew we could grow hair, I just felt that growing hair made for hard work. It kinda is, but I am putting the work in. Shoo, its easier to wack it off:lachen:!

OT, Kels you are one of my inspirations. I am waiting to get to your length!
You got that right!:lachen: I knew we could grow hair, I just felt that growing hair made for hard work. It kinda is, but I am putting the work in. Shoo, its easier to wack it off:lachen:!

OT, Kels you are one of my inspirations. I am waiting to get to your length!

To the bolded, ya heard me?!?! :lachen: Girl it is SO much easier to whack it off and keep it movin... :perplexed ah well, can't look back now.

Thanks SO much! :kiss: :D
ITA with you SJ. I am so very grateful for LHCF. I, too, saw that episode and must admit that I understand how the young lady feels. There have been times in my life where I haven't felt comfortable wearing my real hair because of hair damage/self-esteem, etc. But I am grateful to LHCF for the gift of knowledge.:grin:

And as for Tyra dishing out advice, when I lived in DC she came to one of the restaurants where I worked with her real hair, and no make up. I honestly think when she's not on camera that she's probably real basic with it. Being that she is a TV personality, I think she has to keep up with the image that she's always had, so I don't think she should be faulted for that. Plus, she has "come clean" and exposed her real self on a few of her shoes, so I don't really think she's being hypocritical at all.
ITA with you SJ. I am so very grateful for LHCF. I, too, saw that episode and must admit that I understand how the young lady feels. There have been times in my life where I haven't felt comfortable wearing my real hair because of hair damage/self-esteem, etc. But I am grateful to LHCF for the gift of knowledge.:grin:

And as for Tyra dishing out advice, when I lived in DC she came to one of the restaurants where I worked with her real hair, and no make up. I honestly think when she's not on camera that she's probably real basic with it. Being that she is a TV personality, I think she has to keep up with the image that she's always had, so I don't think she should be faulted for that. Plus, she has "come clean" and exposed her real self on a few of her shoes, so I don't really think she's being hypocritical at all.

This is Good to know. I really never watch her show....So - I would not have known that. Thanks:yep:
I am so **** sick of Tyra and her stupid shows, will she ever show anything postive regarding black women?!
ITA with you SJ. I am so very grateful for LHCF. I, too, saw that episode and must admit that I understand how the young lady feels. There have been times in my life where I haven't felt comfortable wearing my real hair because of hair damage/self-esteem, etc. But I am grateful to LHCF for the gift of knowledge.:grin:

And as for Tyra dishing out advice, when I lived in DC she came to one of the restaurants where I worked with her real hair, and no make up. I honestly think when she's not on camera that she's probably real basic with it. Being that she is a TV personality, I think she has to keep up with the image that she's always had, so I don't think she should be faulted for that. Plus, she has "come clean" and exposed her real self on a few of her shoes, so I don't really think she's being hypocritical at all.

I definitely agree with the bolded..
I am just saying that I think Tyra feels in-secure without her weave too. There have been times when she said she wish she had long staight hair. Just because she makes jokes about wearing fake hair does not mean that it is not a problem for her.

Before she can criticize this chick, she should come out in public where everyone can see her with her real hair. Taking off the weave where no one will see you does not count. I have seen her rock a short weave, so why not her real hair. I am sorry, but I think Tyra amongst many people on daytime TV are very good at criticizing but are hypocrites
I am just saying that I think Tyra feels in-secure without her weave too. There have been times when she said she wish she had long staight hair. Just because she makes jokes about wearing fake hair does not mean that it is not a problem for her.

Before she can criticize this chick, she should come out in public where everyone can see her with her real hair. Taking off the weave where no one will see you does not count. I have seen her rock a short weave, so why not her real hair. I am sorry, but I think Tyra amongst many people on daytime TV are very good at criticizing but are hypocrites

I guess it depends on your perspective, because I thought she was trying to help all of those girls, not criticize them. But, I could be wrong...:ohwell:
Poor lady. I am beginning to think that all of these shows are actually an expression of how Tyra feels about herself.

And I agree with the OP- 2 years of LHCF and the woman could be BSL & Beyond. So could Tyra.
when i joined last November i had been hooked on braids since 2003, since 2003 i had not left the house without braids and LHCF helped me get the courage to finally start wearing my hair out again since January of this yr and im so glad i have broken the cycle i wore raids over the summer but couldnt wait to get them off and wear my hair out again. So, thank you :)
I am so **** sick of Tyra and her stupid shows, will she ever show anything postive regarding black women?!

Okay? I'm so tired of all these Black women going on her show to talk about how they dislike themselves/other Black people. My mom told me on one show, there was this whole debate about light skin vs. dark skin. One girl considered herself light-skinned, while others considered her dark-skinned. The "light-skinned" girl then went on to talk about how she hated dark-skinned girls.

I'll be glad when Tyra goes off the air.
I am so **** sick of Tyra and her stupid shows, will she ever show anything postive regarding black women?!

I don't watch the Tyra show except when people post about the ridiculous subjects on this forum. I find it strange she'd pick this particular topic since she probably hasn't seen her real hair since 1989 :grin:

She is always picking shows about black women and/or women of color. God forbid she mentions the POSITIVE things we bring to our community, how we can look damn good while struggling. I've been in a recession for 20 yrs LOL and somehow I'm still alive.
I'm so sick of that show.

Tis all.

:lachen:I agree... I think I am just sick of Tyra - PERIOD. What she promotes is Fantasy...not even reality or relevant issues. From "Top Model"to her TV show....

I thought I would mention it ( the episode)due to the fact that - if we could ( the LHCF) get to that girl... She could have no dependance on weaves in a couple years....