
Active Member
Hi Ladies, It has been a while since I have been active on this side of the board, but I have decided for 2009, to start a personal WATCH ME GROW photo journal.

In the past I have had several, several setbacks and I finally want to get back on track to meet my goal of full APL by April 2009...... and full BSL before December 2009.

I've been a member on this board for so long, that it's time I show what I've learned and stop Playing around.

To make myself accountable, I will be posting my progress pics in my fotki at the beginning of each month, so that each of you can get to WATCH ME GROW! I hope that you ladies will stay tuned each month to see my progress...(In the meantime, I have updated my fotki album.:yep:) it's nothing special at the moment:spinning: BUT IT SHOULD GET MORE INTERESTING AS WE MOVE ALONG....(ONE WAY OR THE OTHER:rolleyes:)

tHANKS foR listENTInG laDIEs!!!!!!!!!!!!! And WATCH ME GROW in 2009!!!
This is going to be exciting!!:yep: I'll be anxiously watching you while you achieve your goals!:grin: Happy Hair Growing.!
I'll be watching you pretty lady! :grin: You're off to a good start. Was it heat styling that caused the set backs? I'm scared to use a flat iron these days due to fear of breakage/splits.
I'll be watching you pretty lady! :grin: You're off to a good start. Was it heat styling that caused the set backs? I'm scared to use a flat iron these days due to fear of breakage/splits.

My setbacks where due to Damage from a bad braid job and a bad color job.:wallbash:
No you are NOT on the pole girl!:blush: LOL! I'm thinking of wiping out all of my pics in my fotki except for a few monthly shots. I want my fotki to be more user friendly and easy to follow. I'm thinking of taking pics Thursday and every month from then on(as long as my hair permits, meaning I might hide this ish for a while). I REALLY want to see a difference in '09 and I will! Good luck lady!
No you are NOT on the pole girl!:blush: LOL! I'm thinking of wiping out all of my pics in my fotki except for a few monthly shots. I want my fotki to be more user friendly and easy to follow. I'm thinking of taking pics Thursday and every month from then on(as long as my hair permits, meaning I might hide this ish for a while). I REALLY want to see a difference in '09 and I will! Good luck lady!

Thanks lady! That Pole comment was funny:lachen::lachen::lachen:.
good luck :lachen: happy growing!!!