Washing your hair


Well-Known Member
I was wondering you ladies wash/co-wash your hair b/c your hair/scalp is actually dirty or because it's part of your schedule. For example, I wash my every week on either friday night or saturday morning just b/c it's been a week. I have noticing that sometimes my scalp or hair is not actually dirty but I wash b/c it's my schedule wash day. I was wondering if you ladies to that too?
Yeah, I just wash on a schedule. I do it weekly. I use a lot of gel and serums and oils though so I would have a lot of build up if I didn't.
My schedule is to wash weekly. Now sometimes my hair can hold out another few days or a week, so I push back the washing. Sometimes (like when I use too much product) it gets dirtier sooner, so I wash then. For the most part though, my scalp and hair have this "clock" where it's usually wash time in a week.
I was doing a once a week schedule, but then i just started going by if my hair or scalp feel dirty... thats about 1nce or 2wice a month,. other times i just co wash once a week.
I wash once every two weeks. I change it according to my hair condition. Like a few months ago i had to wash my hair every week because my scalp would get flaky, now i have it under control i will wash it every 2 weeks, probably because my hair has reverted by then. But right now that is my scheduale
I wash 1-2 times a week because my hair NEEDS it. Specifically, my scalp which is prone to build-up and itchiness. I tried to go down to once a week, but my scalp wasn't having it so I usually do twice a week. In the summer, I could wash or co-wash about every other day.

I also wash my son's hair/scalp 2-3 times a week or else he gets dandruff.
I wash my hair once a week by schedule.

My oldest son's hair is every 2 weeks, I twist his hair and he can't get those wet. :)
The rest of my boys shampoo in the shower.
I wash on schedule because if I don't, I'll get a headache. I also like that my hair and scalp stay clean so twice a week is what feels normal to me. If it would not be wasteful and probably too stripping for my hair, I would wash it every day. I love love love how my head feels after a wash.
I wash every Thursday (if I'm wearing it straight) b/c my hair gets very oily on its own without putting any products. Must be the salmon! lol Oil weighs my hair down and I like it nice and bouncy so its a must for me if its a straight style.
I wash with shampoo befor after braids, other wise I cowash almost everyday because its my routine
Straight hair: wash every week (sometimes every 2 if i'm lazy, but my scalp gets mad at me for it)

Curls: I wash 2-3 times a week

for curls washing means a cowash
for straight washing means with real shampoo
Since I stopped relaxing my hair, my scalp and hair don't really get "dirty", but my curls do dry out and washing (with conditioner) relaxes and hydrates my hair so that I can detangle and restyle it. So I wash my (curly) hair when it needs restyling, or when it becomes so dry that I can no longer manipulate it without fear of breakage, about once a week in the winter. I guess I would wash straightened or rollerset hair about every two weeks.
I wash with shampoo whenever I remember or if I feel like my hair needs a clean start, which is between every 1-2 months. I cowash on a schedule though. Every 3 days if my hair is loose, once a week if in twists, braids, or shingled. I got on the routine of every 3 days when loose because I realized that day 4 is the exact day my hair will start acting up. It's kind of intense actually :nono:. So to bypass that nonsense, I put myself on a every third day schedule.
I wash on a weekly schedule, but I notice that my hair starts to feel oily and weighed down around that time too. I use shampoo with peppermint oil and I just love that tingly feeling on my scalp. I also want my hair as clean as possible to help my dc penetrate. I dc once a week too.
I try and wash twice a week (on a schedule) but sometimes I will only do it once. I use a few cones in my products, ie finishing/styling creams and serums so I like to ensure I'm cleansing regularly.
I try and wash twice a week (on a schedule) but sometimes I will only do it once. I use a few cones in my products, ie finishing/styling creams and serums so I like to ensure I'm cleansing regularly.

Cream Tee do you use shampoo both times? How has washing 2x week affected the moisture of your hair?

Thanks !
I wash mainly due to my scalp getting itchy or having buildup since I'm wearing my hair braided beneath wigs. That's every 2-4 wks. If my hair was "out" or not braided, then it would be every 2 wks, with maybe a CW or 2 in there somewhere. Each wash on the braided sched is with poo, but if more often (not in braids), it's not always with poo, since my scalp may not be particularly "dirty." Hope that's not too confusing to understand! ☺
My scalp is usually itchy before one week is up and my hair usually starts shedding by that point and washing stops it.
Cream Tee do you use shampoo both times? How has washing 2x week affected the moisture of your hair?

Thanks !

Yeah I use shampoo both times. I don't have any issues with my hair being depleted of moisture at all. I use Aveda Damage Remedy shampoo and it is extremely moisturising and no SLS.
I don't have a schedule; I just wash when my scalp feels itchy or my hair gets dirty (whichever comes first), which is usually about every four days. I detangle and wash with shampoo in 6 braids. Co-washing doesn't clean my scalp well enough. I DC with Aubrey O's White Camelia for about 2hrs w/o heat and leave it in to dry. I usually do braidouts. My hair stays soft, and I moisturize with rosewater & glycerine until my next wash. I seal with EVCO & LTR.
I wash 1-2 times a week because my hair NEEDS it. Specifically, my scalp which is prone to build-up and itchiness. I tried to go down to once a week, but my scalp wasn't having it so I usually do twice a week. In the summer, I could wash or co-wash about every other day.

I also wash my son's hair/scalp 2-3 times a week or else he gets dandruff.

This is me. Every three days I wash or I start to bore a hole in my head. :look:
I wash with 'poo once a week especially when wearing my hair in either twists or fingercoils, I DC once a week, I alternate the weeks I DC with protein based conditioners....I co-wash daily when wearing my hair in a wet bun.
I co-wash almost daily, so I wash and or clarify weekly.
I'm scared the death of build up.