Washing less seems the way to go...


New Member
This technique is really sticking out at me this month. i've been browsing at LHC and alot of the ladies there with long hair, wash either weekly or every 2 weeks! believe it or not and these ladies are white (i was always led to believe their hair would 'ruin' without constant washing)...

i think washing less may be good for those with extra dry tresses, i think if we give our scalp a chance to excrete enough natural oils, maybe any hair woes we have will vanish...

i'm really enjoying my hair at the mo, and dont wanna co wash or shampoo. thursday will be a week since alot of water has touched my hair (i spritz daily and 'plop')...

my hairs growing very fast so far, minus 50% of my vits, and i think its due to my natural oils and the sun, plus water and finger combing to distribute. i know alot of peeps on here promote daily or washing 2-3 times per week, but even though i've had endless benefits, i wonder what benefits i'll have by washing less...i'm willing to find out!

does anybody wash weekly or bi-weekly? whats changes do you notice? if you have been a daily washer (co-wash, water only OR shampoo) before, isit better now that you wash less or do u think washing frequently is better (especialy for chemically treated hair)?

i've noticed near enough 2 split ends for a whole month and my hair feels so much stronger...
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I think I'm going to change to 1 time a week. I don't like having my hair in the soaking wet vulnerable state too often. I really don't need to wash that often, just to keep my scalp clean.
i'm gonna post a few quotes from the thread i'm reading at the mo...tell me what you think:

"I would say that there are alot of benefits to not washing as frequently. The less you wash, the more your scalp can produce your natural sebum which is, hands down, the best conditioner for your hair. If your hair is full of chemicals and cones it may just be more3 complicated but naked, clean hair that is washed less often should be softer, shinier and much healthier. And as long as your scalp is well taken care of and scritched and massaged you'll have a much better head of hair." - this lady is tailbone length

"Just to support the idea of less washing--I considered washing my hair today, but I had many errands and fun things I wanted to do, and just didn't want to take the time. So I showered and dampened and put in coconut oil and left it down to dry (it takes 1-2 hours, but it's not drippy and doesn't really even look wet). I thought I'd have to put it up since I'm on day 4 (DD3) of my hair wash schedule. Instead my husband complimented my hair many times, saying how great it looked today, and I got lots of looks from people at the zoo and on the street. I had well defined curls and my hair was great. I think that as my hair gets in better shape, it looks better when I get further away from wash day. Sometimes I wish I could just stop washing it!

As for adapting, the first time you go an extra day, your hair seems greasy and yucky--just braid it and ignore it. Wash the next day. Repeat (he, he shampoo joke). By the second go 'round, your hair will probably look fine, or at least better on that extra day. If not, the do the current cycle again. Then the next cycle, go an extra day. And just keep this up until you get to a place you want to stop. It really helps to use a mild shampoo/and/or dilute your shampoo. My big success came from giving up shampoo altogether and going all natural. Many folks have made it to water only (WO), the next logical step.

And Sian, I too think your hair looks nice in your "scary greasy" pics. You get to another place with hair once your realize how bad "squeaky clean" is for your hair, and you start learning to love the sebum!"
- this ladies hair is nearly 1 metres long

"I have noticed a significant improvement in the condition of my hair. Because there is so much more time between washes, I dampen with distilled water and sometimes add a little oil to the ends to give it moisture at night before I braid or bun it. I never had huge problems with split ends before, but I used to get some. I can't find any now and haven't in two months or so. I have reduced my shed rate considerably (+ .5 inch ponytail). Also, my hair has been growing a little faster than before as well (was about .75" per month, now solidly 1").

However, I don't know how much of this is because I started COing and how much can be attributed to less frequent washing. Because any manipulation increases the opportunity for damage, I figure it is some of both. More than anything, less frequent washing suits my lifestyle better (back to the lazy aspect ). I'm crazy busy and sometimes I can't make time for my hair, so this has definitely worked better for my schedule. That it is also healthier is just a major plus!

Happy hair! "
- this lady has beautiful coarse 2b hair past her waist

and even though i know all these ladies are caucasian, i've been experimenting with their routines and they are identical to most of the stuff we do to our hair.
For a while, I was doing the whole daily washing thing...whether it be with shampoo or with conditioner. The benefits was that my hair had the moisture from the water but in a way, I felt like my ends were always jacked up looking. Anyways, I stopped washing so often (now..when I remember..i'm busy with my wedding and all) and besides my scalp being a little drier, my hair is still growing.
rrolle234 said:
I thought you endosed daily weting. did that turn out for the wosre, or are you just trying somehing diffrent

i still do daily wetting in the form of spritzing with water in a bottle, so its pretty light and just brings out a curl. i dont wet under the shower daily anymore tho :)
i only wash my hair once a week and will maybe go back to doing it by-weekly. washing it or cowashing more than that just doesn't work for me. my hair is pretty healthy and long. when i tried to do daily cowashing, it just didn't work for me. my hair seemed weaker and i lost way too much hair due to the extra manipulation.
felicia said:
i only wash my hair once a week and will maybe go back to doing it by-weekly. washing it or cowashing more than that just doesn't work for me. my hair is pretty healthy and long. when i tried to do daily cowashing, it just didn't work for me. my hair seemed weaker and i lost way too much hair due to the extra manipulation.

you see, thats what i think it is, because somehow we gotta put it up, and doing that daily, i think it can break hair more. i know co-washing puts moisture in, but then whats the use when u could co wash and then 7 days later have natural sebum ontop too....i dont think co-washin is the true answer to dry hair. just my opinion!!!!! :look:
I wash my hair every week and have just started doing it every 2 weeks. I tried doing the cowash thing and the shampoo thing twice a week and there was no difference for me. As long as my hair stays moisturized and doesnt have buildup I can go without washing it. I am probably going to stick to every two weeks because I am starting to wear my hair down and my rollerset lasts about 10 days. Lately I have been manipulating it less only combing it down in the morning and wrapping it at night and leaving it alone during the day. This is easier and seems to be working for my hair.
I can't go 1-2 weeks without washing, my hair would stink because I work out.
2-3 times a week is best for me. In my case, my hair doesn't get manipulated after it's put up post-wash, until the next wash day.
my hair would stink too. and yes, these ladies are white. we dont have the same hair type as them. there are also a lot of members on there who CO wash daily and have long hair.

It's whatever works for each individual
toosexy1 said:
my hair would stink too. and yes, these ladies are white. we dont have the same hair type as them. there are also a lot of members on there who CO wash daily and have long hair.

It's whatever works for each individual

exactly my point about its surprising they ca go longer without washing! When we all know white people wash more frequently..as there hair gets oiler, smellier faster...because of the shape of their hair...our is natural curlier, making it harder for oils to travel etc.
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I have DRY hair and it THRIVES on moisture and water. After I wash my hair, within 3 days my hair needs more moisture. Weekly washings are just not enough BUT, washing my hair every three days involves alot of manipulation because I rollerset. :(.. I wish I can find a way to hydrate my hair without a lot of manipulation.
mahogany66 said:

I have DRY hair and it THRIVES on moisture and water. After I wash my hair, within 3 days my hair needs more moisture. Weekly washings are just not enough BUT, washing my hair every three days involves alot of manipulation because I rollerset. :(.. I wish I can find a way to hydrate my hair without a lot of manipulation.

why dont u spritz with water daily? just a suggestion...
That is the main thing I like about the various hair boards...the willingness to break taboos and experiment to find the perfect things that work, having fun with it. It's only keratin after all. My scalp and hair already told me one or two times a week is the way to go, any more or less stunts my hair health.
Nymphe said:
That is the main thing I like about the various hair boards...the willingness to break taboos and experiment to find the perfect things that work, having fun with it. It's only keratin after all. My scalp and hair already told me one or two times a week is the way to go, any more or less stunts my hair health.

i agree. i too had been washing upto twice a week with great results, but i wanna try this method for a bit and see how it goes..

any more once a week or biweekly washers??
Just a quick question. What would you guys suggest for someone who works out 2-3 times a week and needs to get that sweat out of the hair?
Candy_C said:
why dont u spritz with water daily? just a suggestion...

Thanks , After reading your post again, I realized spritzing may be the answer for me:). Are you adding anything to your water spritz?
wadadligyal said:
Just a quick question. What would you guys suggest for someone who works out 2-3 times a week and needs to get that sweat out of the hair?

I would suggest Water Only rinse with diluted shampoo and conditioner. Best of both really, clean hair, no build up and conditioned...

working out i would definately wash frequent, no question about it.
mahogany66 said:
Thanks , After reading your post again, I realized spritzing may be the answer for me:). Are you adding anything to your water spritz?

nah, i use pure distilled water or boiled water thats cooled down. theres lots of nice things you can add, such as essential oils for scent, but i just like to keep it basic, cos knowing me, i'll forget! i think scrunch in a lil bit of oil moisturizer..i think any will do.. and using a BBB (boar bristle brush) i smooth into a loose bun, cliped under with a bobby pin :)
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Candy_C said:
i agree. i too had been washing upto twice a week with great results, but i wanna try this method for a bit and see how it goes..

any more once a week or biweekly washers??

I only shampoo/condition bi-weekly b/c I get my hair done at a salon. I believe it works for me b/c I don't use a lot of products on my hair and my hair does not smell...
lala said:
I only shampoo/condition bi-weekly b/c I get my hair done at a salon. I believe it works for me b/c I don't use a lot of products on my hair and my hair does not smell...

thats true, thinking about it, i only use one product, which is oil moisturizer.
I've been washing once a week for the past 3 weeks because I'm in a shedding phase and the lost hairs are freaking me out.
I've noticed that my hair is doing just fine. It looks great and keeps its swing. My one problem is that my scalp is always so itchy. That's the main reason why I wash as often as I do. My scalp likes to be clean.
Candy_C said:
nah, i use pure distilled water or boiled water thats cooled down. theres lots of nice things you can add, such as essential oils for scent, but i just like to keep it basic, cos knowing me, i'll forget! i think scrunch in a lil bit of oil moisturizer..i think any will do.. and using a BBB (boar bristle brush) i smooth into a loose bun, cliped under with a bobby pin :)

Thanks a bunch, I will try a daily spritzing and weekly washing regimen today ..BTW your hair is gorgeous:)
sweetcashew said:
I've been washing once a week for the past 3 weeks because I'm in a shedding phase and the lost hairs are freaking me out.
I've noticed that my hair is doing just fine. It looks great and keeps its swing. My one problem is that my scalp is always so itchy. That's the main reason why I wash as often as I do. My scalp likes to be clean.

I'm wondering how I can calm down my itchy scalp as well.

Now I know that redhotlala(fotki), the sister with thick, tailbone length hair only washes every 14-21 days if I remember correctly. But then again, that's alot of hair to wash.
Candy_C said:
I would suggest Water Only rinse with diluted shampoo and conditioner. Best of both really, clean hair, no build up and conditioned...

working out i would definately wash frequent, no question about it.

I wash once weekly and (dry) co-wash once weekly.

My hair gets really weighed down and greasy. But my hair thrives off low manipulation. It also gets very itchy. I think I may go back to adding another co-wash per week.

Seeing how I work out 2-3 times a week, and moisturize twice daily my hair be a mess by the time it is wash day. I also HAVE to clarify for the first lather and I don't know if that is doing more harm than good. But we'll see, I'm going to do this routine for the next few weeks and see how my hair likes it!
Because of working out I could never go more than 3 days w/o washing my hair - gross. Also, I do enjoy the smell and feeling of freshly cleaned hair and scalp.

Wouldn't work for me, but I do know people that go for long periods w/o washing and it works for them.
I wish I could do that. When I just rinse or even co-wash after the gym my scalp itches terribly. This week I was getting burned while washing and realized I must have scratched hard in my sleep because I'd tried to just co-wash after the gym. Itchy scalp is not cute.