Washing hair without Shampoo only conditioner.


New Member
Ok well i washed my hair without shampoo so i could have more mositure Shampoo drys my hair out very badly..And is it bad just to wash with conditioner?:look:
No, many ladies here do that. We call it co-washing. Check out some of the stickies, you'll learn tons of stuff.
And welcome to LHCF!
Ummm I'm guessing it's not bad since scads of people on LHCF cowash frequently.

Did you get the results you wanted?
I cowash all the time (2-3times per week);shampoo leaves my hair too dry (even the sulfate-free poo) i go weeks (literally) without using shampoo and without problems. i shampoo when i feel my hair is getting 'heavy', product build-up...which, thankfully is not a frequent problem for me.
Welcome to the co washing world :)

There's a Spring/Summer co wash challenge going on right now that you could join :yep:
Welcome on board!
I have been doing daily co-washing for the past 18 months and my hair went from APL, cut it all off and now almost back at APL again.
I think it is the best thing you can do for you hair.
It takes a while for the hair to dry, but that's is a good thing, IMO.
:woot:You've Just Done Your First Co-Wash ! YAY ! I just actually finished one. I used an Emu Oil Conditioner (because I have dry hair) and DC w/Steam and am sitting here with a Hendigo Treatment while typing this. I have moved further away from Shampooing And it is really Workin' for my dry hair/scalp. Enjoy!
I co wash all the time now since I found this board... my hair loves it. I don't think it likes the shampoo at all that much - I shampoo every blue moon, hardly ever...my hair is loving me for it. I do not get build up easily either
It is more than fine to only wash with conditioner, BUT you should use clarifying shampoo every 2-4 weeks to prevent product buildup if you use too much product and products containing silicones. Also, expect a transition period in which your hair will be greasy some what until it gets used to not producing as much oil due to the drying of shampoo. If don't want to use shampoo, you might want to consider a baking soda or ACV rinse to clarify.
I stopped using shampoo for about 7 months now. i just use my homemade avacodo condish, avc and filter water to wash my hair with. this is the best my hair has ever been imo.