washing hair and breakage: sink vs shower


Sewing & Growing Gamma Gal
my hair has been growing but i still have some breakage when i wash, i've changed shampoos, conditioners, treatments and i have seen some change , especially when i started doing light protein weekly but i still have breakage.

when i go to the salon i dont have this issue only when i wash at home. i wash my hair in the shower and have recently been parting it in two in order to wash it with less tangles.

at this point i can only conclude that when i go to the salon my hair is "hanging" in the sink but when i'm in the shower the comb is sort of pulling at the roots as opposed to just detangling the shaft and this is causing the breakage.

has anyone seen a change in breakage since changing from shower washing to sink washing?

my hair is between shoulder and APL and this is breaking not only my hair but my heart at the thought of having crappy looking hair due to the breakage which i may have to eventually cut

I switched from the sink to the shower. I can't really say I have noticed any decrease shedding or breakage. My hair still gets tangled from shedding. When I go to the salon there is alot of breakage or hair coming out while in the sink. You may not be able to see it so you make think you are loosing more hair when at home. I looked at the amount of hair my stylist was combing out and I almost passed out. So I decided to start detangling and washing my own hair.
Try to wash you hair is the shower with your head back mimiicing the same thing as when you are at the salon and your head is back in sink. It is the same if not better in the shower.
Hi! I have not had the same experience as you. Once I got my protein and moisture balance right, I did not continue to have a lot of breakage. For me the key was in getting products to help me achieve the balance. I have mostly shedding now. You will find the right things for your hair.
thanks ladies....someone on here uses protein twice a week and since weekly protein made a good impact in my hair maybe i will try that method and see what happens.

i'm going to give the shower another try but i will try and co-wash with more product and see how that works
that's alot to use protein 2x a week if you don't know your protein tolerance. If you are experiencing breakage, it maybe from protein overload. I have to be aware of breakage have especially if I am past 6 weeks post.

I think my hair is already weakened a bit from combing (wet combing)/bunning - so by next wash, the breakage (generally in the crown area) is a result.

Just something to think about.

**Sometimes I part my hair in 4, twist and place a band on the end.
**I use (sometimes) a color applicator bottle and diluted shampoo so I can target my scalp
**When I see I'm experiencing breakage, I switch shampoos - if the product is not silkening enough to the hair, it makes you work harder, creates more friction = more breakage.
Trying to detangle/wash/condition my hair in the shower stopped working for me when my thick hair started to get into the BSL/MB range and detangling/washing led to running out of hot water before I was finished.

I wouldn't even consider washing it in the sink.

What I do is start the detangling process outside the shower at the bathroom sink first and working through one small section at a time. I can spritz the hair w/water+con. first to soften it then begin. For extra tough spots I use straight conditioner and enough water to make it really slick. This way I can take the time to be gentle with my hair and work through any mats or tangles from root to tip, stem to stern. Sometimes I will even apply my shampoo this same way and finish the job in the shower.

I'm not sure if you're natural or relaxed but if you have extra dense hair, hair prone to tangles, extra fine hair that can break easily, this method may work better for you.

Good Luck girl!
thanks ladies...

Dang Lynnie...i guess this is all a real process until i figure out how to stop the breakage. I am relaxed and my hair is fine