Washing before relaxing hair


New Member
Has anyone ever washed their hair the day before getting a relaxer? I dont usually do this but I washed it yesterday and tried to straighten the new growth and it looks cute but still very very puffy. I was going to try to stretch my relaxer out but I'm not that brave.....LOL so after 6 weeks and tons of new growth I want to relax today but I just condition washed my hair yesterday. Will this be a problem?

Tee Tee
Hey TT,

I don't think it's a good idea to relax so soon after washing. I think the "rule" is 72 hours.
i dont think you should, your pores might be open and you might start to burn faster, which would defeat the purpose of the relaxer. at least wait until midweek, maybe wednesday or thursday, i would say.
Do you have coconut and castor oils? If so, mix and apply to your new growth, moisturize and wrap your hair and take a hot shower. The steam from the shower will help the oils penetrate aiding in softening and smoothing your new growth.

I had an idea that was the case but I was getting impatient. I guess I'll just have to have puffy hair until thursday. I think its safe to wait until then to relax. Thanks ladies.

Tee Tee
So if I do it tomorrow that will be cool right? that would make it 3 days since I washed on saturday.
My sister made the mistake of washing her hair the day before a relaxer and she'll NEVER do that again.
Tee Tee said:
Has anyone ever washed their hair the day before getting a relaxer? I dont usually do this but I washed it yesterday and tried to straighten the new growth and it looks cute but still very very puffy. I was going to try to stretch my relaxer out but I'm not that brave.....LOL so after 6 weeks and tons of new growth I want to relax today but I just condition washed my hair yesterday. Will this be a problem?

Tee Tee

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I have and even though the relaxer took really well, my scalp was a little tender from the massaging of the scalp. I'd wait at least 2 full days.
Thanks Londondiva. Can you guys tell that I am anxious?....LOL. I have alot of new growth and suspect I'm about 1 inch from bra strap but I'm going to hold out until tomorrow. I want to be on the safe side and most of us agree that it will take 2-3 days to be on the safe side.

Tee Tee