Washing after getting a relaxer

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I know that some ladies here wash right after getting a relaxer. Why is that? (I'm guessing maybe to get rid of ALL of the chemicals -- or at least the chemical scent, which has been known to linger for a day or two.) How long after relaxing do you wait to wash? Do you recommend a certain type of product to use to wash after a relaxer? Also do you condition as well?


I wash one week after and I use my regular products (CON shampoo & conditioner). I relax with ORS no-lye and it does not have that strong chemical scent like other relaxers.
I normally would wash a week later. This time I had scalp sores for scratching day before relaxer. I had applied tea tree oil and hair grease to my scalp to loosen up. It felt icky after three days it was time for a good washing. I did use a light protein Nexxus Keraphix followed by Keracare Humecto. I just let it airdried then use my Caruso rollers.
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This time I washed 2 days after relaxing with a clafity shampoo to get rid of any chemical reside and to get some body to my hair. I must say that my hair came out ver nicely.
I know that some ladies here wash right after getting a relaxer. Why is that? (I'm guessing maybe to get rid of ALL of the chemicals -- or at least the chemical scent, which has been known to linger for a day or two.) How long after relaxing do you wait to wash? Do you recommend a certain type of product to use to wash after a relaxer? Also do you condition as well?



I wash "soon" just because I want to make sure that my hair receives all the moisture it can get after such an invasive process.

I usu. wait 3-4 days (that's just how often I wash anyways). I use my normal moisturizing poo and then DC. The next wash (maybe a week later) I do an Aphogee treatment, then DC.
I get my hair relaxed by my stylist, so typically i do a neutralizing poo/dc three days later. I guess the reason is i am parnoid.:look:
The last time I got a relaxer was from a stylist and it was bone straight. So in addition to having to get 4 inches hacked off b/c she didn't understand the meaning behind the word "detangle" my hair also looked sickly and slick. I rinsed it IMMEDIATELY just to get some of that oily mess out and get some life back into my hair. Washing gives me big hair -- well that and nature.
I wash "soon" just because I want to make sure that my hair receives all the moisture it can get after such an invasive process.

I usu. wait 3-4 days (that's just how often I wash anyways). I use my normal moisturizing poo and then DC. The next wash (maybe a week later) I do an Aphogee treatment, then DC.

I do exactly the same!
I wash "soon" just because I want to make sure that my hair receives all the moisture it can get after such an invasive process.

I usu. wait 3-4 days (that's just how often I wash anyways).

this is my thinking too.
that wash I clarify, moisturizing poo, protein treatment (nexxus emergency or motions cpr), moisturizing DC.
I just washed my hair after two days of being relaxed. I used the butter blends neutralizing poo and then used the butter blend conditioner my hair feels so moisturized and strong. Ive never washed this soon after a relaxer but I love the water here in MO and I love to wash my hair...Im addicted.