wash weave before Install?


New Member
I have been trying to research how to wash weave and to no avail can't find anything........I was wondering if you can wash straight weave. If so how do I do this...can anyone give me any tips
If you have good hair, aka real remy from a reputable vendor, then you always wash the hair before your install. If you have regular hair from the beauty supply store then you do NOT wash before your install. I normally wash the hair in the sink. Fill the sink with water, add some shampoo and wash like you are washing a shirt - lol. Rinse and condition for few minutes, comb through (you should be able to comb through it easily at this point - if it tangles then you have gotten a bad batch and it will tangle once installed as well), rinse conditioner out, and let it hang dry. HTH

Disclaimer: The good hair comment is by no means a judgment on anyone's real hair - lol. Just differentiating between remy and beauty supply store hair. :look:
I wash all hair wigs etc before putting them in my head.

Fill a bowl with mild sulphate free shampoo and warm water. Swish the hair around gently in it for 1-2 minutes. Repeat againnthen rinse with clean warm water gently and then gently squeeze ot xs water. Add con dish a good one is silicon mix. Allow to sit for a few minutes or for more intense treatment for pre used hair put in sanwhuch bag and microwave for a minute or two then allow to cool down and rinse.
If you have good hair, aka real remy from a reputable vendor, then you always wash the hair before your install. If you have regular hair from the beauty supply store then you do NOT wash before your install. I normally wash the hair in the sink. Fill the sink with water, add some shampoo and wash like you are washing a shirt - lol. Rinse and condition for few minutes, comb through (you should be able to comb through it easily at this point - if it tangles then you have gotten a bad batch and it will tangle once installed as well), rinse conditioner out, and let it hang dry. HTH

Disclaimer: The good hair comment is by no means a judgment on anyone's real hair - lol. Just differentiating between remy and beauty supply store hair. :look:

I pre-wash BSS hair all the time. Instructions - same way you wash remy hair ... or your own hair. The only reason not to wash BSS hair is some of it comes pre-bumped and they do a nice job of that in the factory and when you wash it that goes away - but ... you can always re-bump it or curl and style it on your own anyway and I prefer my weave hair to smell like nice shampoo to having to deal with the weird factory smell.