Wash then what?


New Member
I'm going to wash my hair right now... co wash with my new 56 oz tub of Miss Keys! So what should I do when I get out? I can't use direct heat.... and I kinda want to go to sleep soon. Any ideas?
Hey Almondjoi85,

After I co-wash and want to go to bed soon after I put in curlformers or put in magnetic rollers and go to bed. (I can sleep with about anything in my hair) And let them air dry through the night.

Or if you dont want to go to sleep with rollers. Sit under a hooded dryers for 15 or 20 min with magnetic rollers in, remove the roller and pincurl. I do that too.

Hope this helps...Goodluck :yep:
I just cowashed my hair too. What I always do is part my hair in 4 sections, spray on my glycerin mix to help it dry soft, then twist each section into a bantu knot and sleep like that. Make sure you towel blot to absorb as much of the water as possible. In the morning your hair should be dry, and your ends will have a nice spiral curl to them :yep: