Wash&Set PLUS Blow&Body: Review inside, updated pics in album!! {Long}


New Member
I've just updated my album (check sig) after coming home from the salon today. I went to Reaction (http://www.reactionbeauty.com), a Dominican salon that I used to go to for several months back in 2002. Actually, it was the first Dominican salon that I've ever been to and was suggested to me by a friend on the old multiculture hair care LHL board.

Anyway, they use ALTER EGO SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER as STANDARD shampoo and conditioner. I asked the lady which deep conditioners they use and she said "I don't know." :perplexed Soooo....you can either ask to see the jar/bottle or bring your own...

After my hair was washed and conditioned, a milky-white watery leave-in was used (I don't know what it was) and then they stylist put in my Salerm (a proper amount, not just a small drop like in some salons) and held out her hand so I could put my desired amount of Salerm Super Active in. I usually put 5, but I did 4 this time because I was so shocked that she was actually letting me put on however much I wanted. I mean, I've been to salons that make sure you see them taking your leave-in, go behind your back and turn the bottle upside down without opening it and pretend they put something in your hair.

My hair was set on rollers and I went under the dryer. I brought my Swedish text books with me because I have school tonight despite the holiday but it didn't matter because I was watching the FLAT SCREEN TV they have mounted on a column near the ceiling. They were playing music video DVDs and their sound system was crystal clear. It sure made the time under the dryer go by fast (I was under for less than an hour, BTW).

When my dryer turned off, I slipped my hand under to feel my hair and it was S-I-L-K-Y!! I don't know if it was the Super Activo, the Alter Ego or both, but I like it. I really, really like it!

My hair was then blown out in the usual way, only she didn't use all the heat in the world to do it. The blow dryer wasn't on my hair for half an hour and she didn't tear the brush through my hair. The whole time I was waiting for her to snap my head back, but it never happened!

Then stylist asked me if I wanted "a body". So I'm like "a what?" but nod my head just to see what she's talking about and praying that it won't cost extra since I already paid. After parting my hair, she rubs Yellow (company name, not the color) hair wax on it and massages some on the hair. Then she took a curling iron and curls my hair one section at a time, rolls the hair in that section and pins it. When she was finished, she took all of the pins out and the result was awesome! My hair was swinging and bobbing and the curl actually stayed!

When she said "body", she meant it!

All in all, I paid $23. The only thing I didn't like was the wait but I don't know if that was because I went on a holiday. After coming out of the dryer, I didn't get to the stylists chair until about a half hour later. While they have many people to wash, they don't have many people to set and style. Or, at least not when I went. Again, it may have been because it's a holiday.

And for the curious, 95% of the women there had no shorter than BSL hair.
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Wow they did a really good job on your hair, it looks beautiful! I wish I could find a good Dominican salon in my area.
Your hair looks really pretty :) . I have been to Reaction a couple of times and I really like the results. I usally just get a wash&set (no direct heat).
Your hair looks beautiful. I have a question: They roller set and curled your hair with the curling iron? Was the curling iron really hot? Maybe that is what I need to start doing if I go back to roller setting.
Thanks, everyone! I just got back from class in Manhattan and it's extremely cold and windy tonight and my hair still looks good! The curls are still there. My rollersets, salon or home, usually lose their curls quickly, but they're still going!

@Kitty: No, I'm relaxed. I use Profective No-Lye regular. Previously used Designer's Touch Lye.
@MissM: Yes, after taking the rollers out, my hair was blown out and then the ends were curled with a curling iron. It wasn't very hot, just enough to keep the curl on the ends. When I've had just a wash and set and then a blow with no curling iron, my hair became puffy and the style didn't stay very long.
Yes, it's in NY (Queens). If you click the link in the first post, it tells you all about the salon and even has a gallery of customers.

I think the address was 14402 and it's on Jamaica Ave. The website doesn't seem to be up right now, though.
wow! it really looks beautiful and soft! I checked out the site too and I was impressed with the photos in their hair gallery and also with the condition of the staff's hair (that's important to me). I'm glad you had a great experience!
Thank you all, again. I will keep going back for the same thing as long as I see good results. It's now four days since and my hair still has a ton of swing, body, softness and shine (and it still smells like I just stepped out of the salon) despite being wrapped up with pins for a whole day straight and taking very hot showers which, even though I put two scarves on my head and two shower caps usually kills my rollersets.

I even bought one huge bottle each (33.8oz) of the Alter Ego Tropical shampoo and conditioner that they use in the salon so I can use it at home. I'll give a review when it gets here.

I ordered it off eBay. Go to the "Health and Beauty" category and type "Alter Ego" in the search field. Also, if you type in "Salerm" right now (on eBay) there's someone selling some samples if you haven't tried it yet!
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