Wash, protein, condition??? OR.......


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, i'm back again since i got such wonderful help before!:yep: I was wondering what is your individual wash/protein/condition regimen, since i'm adding protein into mine as well because i just noticed that i have breakage mixed in with shedding:whyme:(some hairs don't have the white bulb on the end). Anyways I just wanted to know if you WASH, then PROTEIN TREAT, then CONDITION or is it PROTEIN, then WASH, and CONDITION or is it WASH, then PROTEIN, then DEEP CONDITION or is it......:confused:
For me it depends...if it's a heavy liquid protein, I wash, protein, then deep condition. If it's a creamy protein, I will do this step first to cut down on time in and out of the shower. I think a couple of ladies here have had success doing their light protein first, on dry hair.
Thanks so much ladies. I bought the Aphogee Keratin 2 min treatment and did the treatment. But one more question if anyone knows the answer, is protein dangerous?? Will it make your hair fall out?? Because my sis freaked out when i did the treatment, and no lie, i'm not kidding one bit, after i washed, treated, and conditioned, blow-dried my hair and started flat-ironing it, she started cuttin the fool and made me WASH MY HAIR ALL OVER AGAIN!! And like a dummy i did it, lol, i'll admit she had me shook. She told me something about how its serious and you have to treat it like a relaxer and if you don't wash it out you will go bald, and blah... Anyways just want to know if any of this is true, is this cause for worry?? Do you have to go to extra lengths to wash the protein out or are you ladies simply rinsing??
is protein dangerous?? Will it make your hair fall out??
no its not: protein makes ur hair hard and strong: thats why ppl do a final rinse w/ a moisture conditioner or moisturizing lotion to counteract the hardness: so ur hair should be soft & strong
some hairdressesrs are special: u won't go bald cuz protein is good for the hair, nails too:
Do you have to go to extra lengths to wash the protein out or are you ladies simply rinsing??
it's still important to wash out like any other conditioner: if its not a leave in: not washing out all the conditioner can cause breakage but thats the same w/ any conditioner i read.

also: i shampoo > protein conditioner (15 mins) > moisture conditioner (3 mins) ~HTH~
is protein dangerous?? Will it make your hair fall out??
no its not: protein makes ur hair hard and strong: thats why ppl do a final rinse w/ a moisture conditioner or moisturizing lotion to counteract the hardness: so ur hair should be soft & strong
some hairdressesrs are special: u won't go bald cuz protein is good for the hair, nails too:
Do you have to go to extra lengths to wash the protein out or are you ladies simply rinsing??
it's still important to wash out like any other conditioner: if its not a leave in: not washing out all the conditioner can cause breakage but thats the same w/ any conditioner i read.

also: i shampoo > protein conditioner (15 mins) > moisture conditioner (3 mins) ~HTH~
is protein dangerous?? Will it make your hair fall out??
no its not: protein makes ur hair hard and strong: thats why ppl do a final rinse w/ a moisture conditioner or moisturizing lotion to counteract the hardness: so ur hair should be soft & strong
some hairdressesrs are special: u won't go bald cuz protein is good for the hair, nails too:
Do you have to go to extra lengths to wash the protein out or are you ladies simply rinsing??
it's still important to wash out like any other conditioner: if its not a leave in: not washing out all the conditioner can cause breakage but thats the same w/ any conditioner i read.

also: i shampoo > protein conditioner (15 mins) > moisture conditioner (3 mins) ~HTH~
is protein dangerous?? Will it make your hair fall out??
no its not: protein makes ur hair hard and strong: thats why ppl do a final rinse w/ a moisture conditioner or moisturizing lotion to counteract the hardness: so ur hair should be soft & strong
some hairdressesrs are special: u won't go bald cuz protein is good for the hair, nails too:
Do you have to go to extra lengths to wash the protein out or are you ladies simply rinsing??
it's still important to wash out like any other conditioner: if its not a leave in: not washing out all the conditioner can cause breakage but thats the same w/ any conditioner i read.

also: i shampoo > protein conditioner (15 mins) > moisture conditioner (3 mins) ~HTH~

Thanks so much!! I was just confused. I thought to myself, now it can't be that bad if people are doing the one I did yesterday once a week and the stronger ones once a month and stuff. Thanks! All that washing was unecessary....lol