Wash n Go's Make Me Want To Straighten My Hair! (Pics)


New Member
Am I the only one that goes thru shock once they see the shrinkage?! This is why I don't wash n go very often. And this is only my second time using gel. The first time I did it was back in Nov 09 and it was way too short for me to like.

I tried it again a couple days ago and it was cute. But now I feel like straightening my hair just to confirm to myself (and maybe a few bystanders) that my hair is in fact close to APL length and not the ear length that it's looking now. :ohwell:

On the bright side, I've noticed some pretty good growth between the 2 pics! :yay: Altho, for 2 years it could stand to be better. Or maybe I'm just being hard on myself.

Nov 2009 Wash n Go (1st Day)

July 2011 Wash n Go (1st Day)

Nov 2009 Wash n Go (1st Day side view)

July 2011 Wash n Go (2nd Day Angled View, same style as the 09 pics)
i have never done a wash n go in my 10 years of being natural LOL. it shrinks up a lot. my hair wouldn't even hang like it should. i got me some Eco Gel when i went home to Mississippi the other week. so i'm gonna try to do one with that. :)
Shrinkage ALWAYS amazes me. I didn't even know shrinkage to these degrees was possible. Well I can definitely tell your hair has grown.

APL.. wow that is helluva shrinkage. I've thrown away my straightners so I feel bad when I tell other natural curlies go straighten your hair lol. But I can see why you'd be tempted gurl. So go for it.. and come back and show us :grin:

Nice hair & growth bdw.
Your hair looks gorgeous in the second pic.

I don't do wash n goes myself. My hair is much shorter than yours and it ends up looking like an inverted triangle (long on top, uber shrunken on bottom).
Looks like great growth to me! Why not straighten your hair if it will make you feel better. Then you can sit back and enjoy the shock value and jaw dropping from others :)
I feel your pain. I'm SL and haven't tried a WNG yet. But I can definitely tell the difference between the 1st and the 2nd time. And I think your latest WNG looks great. It has more hang and a nice shape.

Don't straighten just to prove you have length, especially in this heat wave. Just flaunt your length when you are ready. (And probably when its cooler) :lol:
Your hair looks gorgeous

My waist length hair is shoulder length when I do a wash 'n go. I thought for sure I'd be at LEAST apl curly by now. Shrinkage is a beast I tell ya.

It doesn't really bother me because I know how long my hair really is. Plus it's always a nice surprise when I straighten it again.

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I live with my WnG shrinkage as my version of a protective style. But yes occasionally I want to show off my length.
You and your hair are so pretty!!!!!!

I also don't do wash-n-gos. I prefer my hair stretched to curb tangles and knots.
Love your hair and make up! :yep:

Girl my shrinkage is no joke. I washed today and did twists. When wet they were down to my ears (very top) and shoulders (sides & back..... I have layers).... when they dried they shrunk up to the nape of my neck and beyond. *sigh* :nono:
you have to learn to embrace who you really are... if you don't love yourself who else will...lol I'm just saying lol
I can honestly say I don't have the typical "length" hang up. I big chopped from bra strap to 2 inches. I'm still the same cute, fabulous chick whether my hair is long or short.
I only have 3 to 4 inches of new growth but it looks like 1/2" when dry. If not stretched so yes shrinkage is alive and well on my head.
Your wash and go looks awesome. I wish I could do one but mine would look a mess. haha But yeah I totally understand wanting to verify your length after seeing the shrinkage. I feel the same way after bunning for a while.
Your hair is looking nice and full now. Keep up the good work! I see people stretching (banding) the hair to show more length, I guess that is not a wash and go. The W&G looks great on you! And congratulation on APL!
OT - What color lipstick do you have on? I am loving it.

Back to topic: I am rocking a wash n go today because my the weather is causing major frizz. Sometimes I want to straighten it so I don't have to wet my hair again every 3 days. I can't get a wash n go to last past day 3.
you have to learn to embrace who you really are... if you don't love yourself who else will...lol I'm just saying lol

Don't get me wrong, I love my hair and myself very much. But my hair's never been past my shoulders before I went natural so I do enjoy seeing the length. I'm proud of what I've achieved. :yep:


I assume you mean the first pic. I had on L'Oreal Colour Riche Lipstick in "Mulberry 710." I used MAC's "Nightmoth" lip liner underneath and their "Jampacked" lipgloss on top.

And I'm actually on the third day today and it'll be getting washed tonight. So I feel your pain. :ohwell:
Thanks I loooove the color on you. I always go for nudes and pinks so this is a nice change. I will be redoing my hair tomorrow, also. But hey it will help me use up my product stash this summer.
I feel your pain. Shrinkage is my biggest issue with my hair in its natural state. I actually had a stylist once tell me I couldn't get layers because my hair wasn't long enough. That was until she flat ironed my then SL curls to BSL. Also, I haven't seen my hair in over a year until this past week. It was under a sew-in to keep the scissors at bay (I have a problem,LOL). And I wore it curly for a week & all I could say the whole week how much my hair hadn't grown. I did a wash & go & it shrunk up to my ears & chin. After I straightened it for an event this weekend I found out I had went from EL/CL from last Oct/Nov to almost full APL.

That being said it sucks, but I also like the element of surprise shrinkage gives you. People will be weave checking you so hard when you do decided to wear it straight. Besides your wash & goes look cute! Mine just look like a mass of unruly/messy curls.
Trust me, you are not alone when dealing with shrinkage. I have about 2 inches past BSL and my hair "wash n go" stops at my neck. I have tried different methods to stretch my hair, most which involved some sort of heat. I regret it so much because all the tension and stress has made my hair dry and not as "full" as it used to be. ALL BECAUSE I HATE SKRINKAGE.

I would suggest that you try hair stretching methods that doesnt involve heat.
My hair is APL (slowing inching toward bsl) and my wash-n-go is a NL baa.
I like my shrinkage and do consider it my PS. It's always nice when I do straighten it and see my length.

You and your hair look really pretty...the second pic is my favorite.:yep: You've gotten some really good growth.
Almost 5 years later and my hair still shrinks to the high heavens. :nono: I finally got over it. I think my hair would have to be to my butt for my curls to touch my shoulders.
Your wash and go is ca-yute! I'm still in my twa stage but I hope my wash and go looks like your wash and go, when my hair grows up.

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Your hair is very pretty! So are you. But I just swore w&gs yesterday because of the same feelings you have. I'm sticking to twist outs!
i get no hang time from a wash and go. i miss doing them so much. but yes, i think about straightening my hair to see some length. i just don't want any setbacks. i have two people in my family that are heat trained, and their hair looks very stringy when wet or dry. i don't want that to happen to me.
You are soo cute in all your pics. I have mixed feelings about shrinkage. Some days I hate it and some days I just love the way it looks.
I understand where you are coming from but I must say your WNG looks great!!! :grin: My hair looks horrible when I try to do one with extra curls in the back and a patch on the side that won't curl at all....ugggh!

However, even w/o wng's there are times when I want to straighten and flex my length :lol:. I'm definitely starting to get that itch but I will wait until the humidity subsides!