Wash N Go Thread

Also Is anyone still interested in having a fall/winter wash n go challenge? I will make the thread if y'all are still interested.

I'm in! I tried to do a roller set but my hair isn't long enough to were I'd feel comfortable wearing it.
When your Washngo doesn't dry and you fall asleep.:look: It's 2 days later and the roots are still damp. I'll be doing it over today. My hair will be loose for another two weeks so I'll be able to play with my Washngo for a bit. I need to figure out how to get it dry quicker.

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Wash day. Clay wash. Deep condition and styled. I skipped the leave in to see if maybe it will dry quicker. Same combo of Xtreme Wetline gel and Curly Twirls custard.



When your Washngo doesn't dry and you fall asleep.:look: It's 2 days later and the roots are still damp. I'll be doing it over today. My hair will be loose for another two weeks so I'll be able to play with my Washngo for a bit. I need to figure out how to get it dry quicker.

I have found that for me, plopping for an hour works wonders toward a faster drying time.
I haven't moisturized or tied this hair down at night. The only thing I do is put it in two low ponytails at night to stretch it.

The steam usually revives it at night and in the morning in the shower, I will be washing later on today and starting again.

Next Saturday, I will be in a protective style for two months and then after that... I'll head over to the Fall/Winter WnG challenge.


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My sew in is down today after 6 weeks of having it in. My hair is pitifully thin...I need thickness :-(

I love your hair though, do you stretch/fluff it after it dries? HairPleezeGrow

I'll be doing my hair again today. I tested Hydratherma curl definer gel that isnt out yet and it was nice when it was wet, but when it dried, :lachen: I'll test again later today using my normal method.
Second time test trial of Hydratherma unnamed gel

First time used as directed. It had a lot of shrinkage. This time I did my normal routine and put my curl activator gel



I try to but I don't want to manipulate it much. It does get bigger as the days go by but I want that big hair on day 1 lol.

Eta- and thanks girl
I had a good wash and go this morning.

I did not shampoo. I wet it down and then applied a Suave Conditioner (Keratin Smooth or something like that.) I left some in. Not a lot by my standards.

I got out and added some leave in (Shescentit Coco Cream) and oil. Then I twisted it up. I applied a butter to the ends. I let it stay in 4 twists while I finished getting ready and ate breakfast.

That's it. Worked well. I will try to repeat these results at least on Wednesday. One thing I have never been able to achieve is "second day hair." I usually just end up putting it in a pony tail or french braids.
I'm spending the next two weeks of my holiday leave trying to figure out if I want to just go all natural next year, or continue doing crochet braids.

So after a failed braidout attempt this morning, I did a wng. Today was the first wng that I wore outside my house. I actually chickened out at the last minute and pinned it back before I left because the more I looked at it, the less I liked it.

first wng.jpg

I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing, but I think it was a good start. I only used Giovanni Leave In and jojoba oil after I washed. I bought some Shea Moisture products earlier. Hopefully they'll add some moisture and shine.
The fact that this thread is still live tho! :D


Yes I still wear my wash n go's daily. I use different products as the weeks progress. I still find that using gel gives me the best results.
Is anyone doing Wash and Go puffs? I'm in the awkward legnth phase and it's just not worth time to work gel into my hair especially since I do not have much of a curl/coil pattern in the first place. I like the moisture of the wash and go but I do not care for the gel and style of it. Any thoughts?
Is anyone doing Wash and Go puffs? I'm in the awkward legnth phase and it's just not worth time to work gel into my hair especially since I do not have much of a curl/coil pattern in the first place. I like the moisture of the wash and go but I do not care for the gel and style of it. Any thoughts?

I do this in the summer, put it in a puff with just gel or pomade on the edges. I only use my rinse out conditioner to co wash the leave some in my hair, squeeze some of the water out and sluck it into a puff. Love how it looks, most of my curl pattern disappears but it looks soft, fluffy and occasionally shiny.
Is anyone doing Wash and Go puffs? I'm in the awkward legnth phase and it's just not worth time to work gel into my hair especially since I do not have much of a curl/coil pattern in the first place. I like the moisture of the wash and go but I do not care for the gel and style of it. Any thoughts?

I do wash & go puffs and buns most days. I only leave my hair down in the summer on the weekend. My hair takes forever to dry and might actually freeze in these Michigan winters if I left it down.