Wash and go or diffusing tips, please.


Hello Ladies!
My hair texture is a very difficult one it's super dense and after detangling in the shower it will tangles up when I get out the shower. I've tried to diffuse with the blow dryer it comes out a frizzy matted mess. :nono: I'm trying to prepare early and test out a few methods my failed attempts last summer, which is why I'm requesting tips and pictures. I'd love to wear this style, to all you that can consider yourself lucky. :lick:


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I know with my hair is super moisturized it cuts down on the tangles and frizz. What are you using as a leave in and DC? How often do you DC? Your curl pattern actually looks pretty similar to mine when it is wet. Let me see if I can dig up some pics of a wash and go.

PS your little curls in the back are super cute.
I dc once a week using whatever I have at the time like the aussie moist 3 minute miracle I've tried neutrogena triple moisture. As far as regular conditioner goes I've tried mane and tail, pantene, suave, garnier everything under the sun available at the local drugstore pretty much.
Does your hair get tangle super easy? What do you use? Maybe you have the key to a great wash and go!
I dc once a week using whatever I have at the time like the aussie moist 3 minute miracle I've tried neutrogena triple moisture. As far as regular conditioner goes I've tried mane and tail, pantene, suave, garnier everything under the sun available at the local drugstore pretty much.
Does your hair get tangle super easy? What do you use? Maybe you have the key to a great wash and go!

Have you tried to use lustrasilk cholesterol or lekair cholesterol? I know I usually DC with a mixture of plain full fat yogurt, honey, evoo, melted shea butter, and a couple of teaspoons of either of those conditioners. If you want to use a conditioner as a base instead of yogurt I would suggest you doctor them up with any of the ingredients above. Also, have you tried anything by herbal essences for a leave in? I really love Hello Hydration and Dangerously Straight as conditioners. What exactly are you washing your hair with? My hair doesnt actually tangle very easy at all unless it is seriously dry. I usually detangle with my hair soaking wet slathered in some type of cheap conditioner with lots of slip (any of the ones you mentioned above will work) with my deman D4. A wide tooth comb will work as well. I separate my hair into two ponytails and work on each side one at a time. Some naturals find it easier to wash and detangle in braids. I am not sure if I left anything out but feel free to PM me.
I don't have any pics but here are some things that have helped me perfect my wash and go:

1. When I cowash, I load my hair with a conditioner that has a little weight and detangle with my fingers while also smoothing my hair. I do this in four sections until my fingers can run through easily.. This also helps very much in clumping my curls.

2. I rinse out the conditioner in the direction I plan on styling my hair. So if I plan on wearing a headband, I lean my hair back in the shower and let the water run through to rinse out the conditioner. This is so that I don't need to touch my hair too much when I'm done. It also in a way, "rinses" out the tangles, if that makes sense.

3. After rinsing, I don't comb or brush. This de-clumps the curls and adds frizz. I simply smooth on my leave in.

I hope this helps!
I don't plan on doing a wash and go until the summer by Maaaaaan let me tell you! Glycerin and water is my go to for WNG now. 1 part Glycerin to 3 parts water and my hair doesn't knot, tangle, or dry out. I tried it one day as an experiment but my husband had the camera so I didn't get any pics.