Wash and go album mini update

Wow your hair looks beautiful! I love the wet look! Where do you get the pudding?

ETA: I found it!
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thanks yall! I was surprised my self that it worked so well. I used alot of the curly pudding and just touch of the pommade to finish it off.
*gasping for air as my mouth drops to the floor*

WOW! :shocked:

:love: BEAUTIFUL! One of the BEST wash-n-go's I've EVER seen!!!

You did an AWESOME job! Way to go! :yay:
Your curls are so beautiful- I'm amazed that you could get such definition- do you texturize or textlax your hair or is it relaxed straight?
kristina said:
Your curls are so beautiful- I'm amazed that you could get such definition- do you texturize or textlax your hair or is it relaxed straight?

Aww thanks! I just decided to try this pudding on Monday because it had been sitting in my sister's ( who is transitioning at this time 9 months post relaxer) bathroom unused and I didnt feel like rollersetting my hair! I was also amazed to see the definition as well! I THOUGHT I had relaxed semi- straight hair. I use Sentonics regular, which is NOT a strong relaxer in itself. Its never super straight but I dont think it is texturized either. I guess I should ask my stylist how she would define it. Maybe texlaxed might be way to think of it.
Girl...if my hair was relaxed, I would wear it EXACTLY like yours! You are working those curls....Love it, love it, love it!!!
You have beautiful hair !

Ohhh, I am SO jealous!
Heavens girl! Your hair looks so pretty and it GREW like a weed.
Whatever you're doing, keep it up.
I am interested in this wash and go look but afraid that my results won't come out anything like yours. What does your hair look like when you airdry it without products?
Your hair looks AWESOME!!! :yep: The curls are so nicely defined! DO you consider yourself fully relaxed, or texturized? I ask b/c my hair would have never done that while I was relaxed. Great look, and just in time for summer!
I wasnt expecting a reaction like this!! I was just playing around with some goop underneath my sister's sink ( the curly pudding)! Thanks though! Im glad I found a new easy summer style too!
There wasnt a particular method that I used though. I just made sure my hair was sopping wet. I added the product ( ALOT OF IT!!!!) and scrunched my hair. I flipped my head over and scrunched my hair upside down as well. I let it dry a little and srunched some more! I added a little pommade at the ends only. I let it airdy and voilla!

My hair is naturally ringlety curly. However, I am no longer natural. I have been relaxed for over 15 years. My hair is currently relaxed with Sentonics regular which is a gentle relaxer. My hair is never BONE straight but it doesnt really look texturized either. When my hair is airdried I guess it looks slightly crimped in otherwords Id never wear it out airdied without any product or without being braided out. My hair would look an absolute mess. Thanks again gang!