Okay. My hair in the land of LHCF is NOT long. Im shoulder length but my hair looks alot healthier
I was at a bbq party and they were about 6 other black girls at the party, all wearing weave. One of them had a blonde weave on and her own damaged black hair out on top looked a mess.
But so.. this girl with the blonde weave tells me she loved my hair and if she had my hair she would not be getting a weave but use the money for good products instead but then this other black girl went from being friendly to being extremely rude the rest of the evening!
Given me the "b!tch please" stank face when people were complimenting my hair and she bumped into me without saying "sorry" or anything.
Before my hair came up she was smiling being friendly.
/end vent
I was at a bbq party and they were about 6 other black girls at the party, all wearing weave. One of them had a blonde weave on and her own damaged black hair out on top looked a mess.
But so.. this girl with the blonde weave tells me she loved my hair and if she had my hair she would not be getting a weave but use the money for good products instead but then this other black girl went from being friendly to being extremely rude the rest of the evening!
Given me the "b!tch please" stank face when people were complimenting my hair and she bumped into me without saying "sorry" or anything.
Before my hair came up she was smiling being friendly.
/end vent