Was There Any Particular Reason?


Well-Known Member
Okay ladies... lately I have been feeling somewhat gloomy. I just feel like im not where I want to be. Im a single mom and just feel like my carrer is not getting it. Im currently part time on a job and the salary is way low (super low). I feel as Im working for a salary of something a teenager would be making. Just put it like this my salary is wayyy below poverty. However I know that God is keeping me and Im thankful.
For some apparent reason something came over me this year. Epiphany. I feel as if though I had this awakening and what I felt was a feeling of becoming wise. Something came into my mind "do what makes you happy". I've always been a good mom and have the potential to be a good wife if the right person comes along. I sometimes want a husband and then I'll renege and say to myself "wait until your kids are grown ". However I would want a husband but then I don't want to bring another along because I feel as if I would be "cheating my kids". Because most times when you marry and bring a mate then 9 times out of 10 there are going to be problems , where the child and step parent will "bump heads". So I don't want that at this time. But I do want to be happy also. Again back to this epiphany of this feeling which came over me recently about me becoming wise and knowledgeable and not just being mediocre. I want to be a graceful woman. I also had this feeling that I want to go back to school and become a pharmacist. Yes a pharmacist. I keep trying to figure out how can I get there? I am not a science / math person per say and I am older in my 40's. I've maxed out of undergrad loans and not sure. I've researched this career and have talked with a couple of AA women who are pharmacist which I found to be motivational. I want it sooo bad I can taste it. I thought about going to Pharm . Tech school to see if I could learn more and I know that particular salary is low as well. But I know you have to crawl before you can walk. I'm dealing with time now. I thought about trying to just gain a job through a drug store and going from that.
But back to my question.. I was outside today and there's this lady who I usually see from time to time past by. I know that she stays somewhere close around but not sure where in the neighborhood. However this day she turned around and I was outside doing chores. She stated to me , "Can I pray for you?" My response "yes. I just felt that she felt my pain/ sadness or something and I even asked her what made her do this. She said "well I just saw you out in the yard".
All confused here.

Somebody help me understand.
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Don't go to pharmacy tech school, apply for a pharmacy tech job where they will train you and you can then become nationally certified pharmtech and earn more. Working in a pharmacy (retail or pharmacy) is a good step in learning what that environment is all about. It's going to be very hard work for the PharmD and most of those classes will be daytime hours to accommodate late teens/young 20-somethings on daddy's dime. But you can do it if you are strong in math and science. . Why not get as much info from schools as possible? There are fast-track programs. Also, pick up a PCAT practice book from your local library and peruse a college catalog on those pre-pharm/med classes.

Maybe you haven't maxed out on loans...sdo you have your core classes yet? Some of those you can get at community college and there are some programs out here that are bridge programs that might give you an edge to admissions to the Pharm school.

If not an RPh., have you considered pharmacology or becoming a pharm rep? I wish you well and don't listen too much to the agists...do you but you will need to be VERY dedicated to the studies.
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Don't go to pharmacy tech school, apply for a pharmacy tech job where they will train you and you can then become nationally certified pharmtech and earn more. Working in a pharmacy (retail or pharmacy) is a good step in learning what that environment is all about. It's going to be very hard work for the PharmD and most of those classes will be daytime hours to accommodate late teens/young 20-somethings on daddy's dime. But you can do it if you are strong in math and science. . Why not get as much info from schools as possible? There are fast-track programs. Also, pick up a PCAT practice book from your local library and peruse a college catalog on those pre-pharm/med classes.

Maybe you haven't maxed out on loans...sdo you have your core classes yet? Some of those you can get at community college and there are some programs out here that are bridge programs that might give you an edge to admissions to the Pharm school.

If not an RPh., have you considered pharmacology or becoming a pharm rep? I wish you well and don't listen too much to the agists...do you but you will need to be VERY dedicated to the studies.
Thanks for replying.
Don't go to pharmacy tech school, apply for a pharmacy tech job where they will train you and you can then become nationally certified pharmtech and earn more. Working in a pharmacy (retail or pharmacy) is a good step in learning what that environment is all about. It's going to be very hard work for the PharmD and most of those classes will be daytime hours to accommodate late teens/young 20-somethings on daddy's dime. But you can do it if you are strong in math and science. . Why not get as much info from schools as possible? There are fast-track programs. Also, pick up a PCAT practice book from your local library and peruse a college catalog on those pre-pharm/med classes.

Maybe you haven't maxed out on loans...sdo you have your core classes yet? Some of those you can get at community college and there are some programs out here that are bridge programs that might give you an edge to admissions to the Pharm school.

If not an RPh., have you considered pharmacology or becoming a pharm rep? I wish you well and don't listen too much to the agists...do you but you will need to be VERY dedicated to the studies.
I also have researched almost everything I could think of. That's what I was thinking to ... get into a pharmacy and go from there. Since my degree was in another area I have the college course book and was also told to go back and take those math/ science in which will be needed. whew yes I believe it will be hard and the math/ sciences I don't know. Willing to give it a go.Thanks once more.
I can't really address the pharmacy issue, but with respect to the woman reaching out to pray for you, here's my 2.3 cents. I really believe that God gives us small "winks" along our way. As if He is telling us, "Today, I just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten about you and what you're going through. I love you, I'm working it out. I swear I'm gonna take care of you, I got you. It's going to be alright."

--Will a woman forget the child that she is breastfeeding? It may be possible, but I (the Lord) will never forget you. How could I? As a matter of fact, I've tattooed you on the palm of my hand. Is 49:15-16.
I worked in a pharmacy when I was younger. I really enjoyed it. It did not pay real well. I went to nursing school because the money seemed better than remaining as a pharmacy tech.

I admire your ideas of becoming a pharmacy. You may need to meet with a counselor at a four year school to discuss course work and costs. Count up the costs before you go to war. You say you are maxed out on loans. I feel like you must have a Bachelor's degree already.
The cost factor is important. If pharmacy school is too far for your pocket to take you, there must be a career choice that is more affordable. I am under the impression that having a bachelor's degree means that you can not obtain an associate degree in something. I may be wrong. Have a fabulous day and best wishes! @Topknot
I worked in a pharmacy when I was younger. I really enjoyed it. It did not pay real well. I went to nursing school because the money seemed better than remaining as a pharmacy tech.

I admire your ideas of becoming a pharmacy. You may need to meet with a counselor at a four year school to discuss course work and costs. Count up the costs before you go to war. You say you are maxed out on loans. I feel like you must have a Bachelor's degree already.
The cost factor is important. If pharmacy school is too far for your pocket to take you, there must be a career choice that is more affordable. I am under the impression that having a bachelor's degree means that you can not obtain an associate degree in something. I may be wrong. Have a fabulous day and best wishes! @Topknot

Thanks felic1
I have researched and talked with a couple of pharmacists, pharm. techs, as well as Tech. Schools & 2 year community colleges. As a matter of fact I went back to revisit the 2 year college yesterday to see what other helpful information I could get. Poster above Kanozas gave great advice above about not going to pharm tech school and just trying to gain employment within a pharmacy and work up from there .
Yes, I do hold a four year B.S. degree psychology. Since I have maxed out and only have about a grand left in monies,there's no way that amount will pay for those 12 classes needed. That's just undergrad and not graduate studies. I was told yesterday after visiting financial aid at the 2 year college , the options I have are 1. scholarships, loans, pay out of pocket, or take it higher and go grad school.
I also talked with this little old lady yesterday who is the director at the 2 year college over advisement. She looked over all of my transcripts which had been sent in previously and she told me I would only need to take about 11-12 classes to the most. This would provide an associate degree for me in biology which could be applied toward pre-requisites for pharmacy school. Most or mainly sciences, like chemistry 1 & 2, organic chemistry 1 & 2,biology 1 & 2, and a couple of electives. These would be like pre-requisites for pharmacy school.
Yes I can obtain an associates degree but the money is gone at this point for 2 & 4 year schools. However there is money for graduate.
I have thought about what I may be motivated on doing and I cant think of anything other than doing something within medicine. I'm unmotivated about anything else.
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