Was I texlaxed?


New Member
When I went for my touch-up I wanted to tell my stylist that I didn't want her to leave the relaxer on my ng long but I was scared. But, I noticed that she didn't leave it on long without me having to say anything. As she was rollersetting my hair, she said that she didn't relax my new growth bone straight because it's just not healthy to do so (plus I think because my hair is so thin now).

Fast forward a few days, I washed, dc'd, etc. my hair. I sat under the dryer on cool to dry my hair. When I was done, I noticed that where my old new growth was/my roots are wavy. It's pretty and I like it. Was I texlaxed? If so, I think I'm going to ask her to continue relaxing my new growth in this way. :yep:
Sounds like it to me also. :grin: Since you mentioned pics, I'd like to see some :look:
yup, you've been texlaxified.

i'd be mad if i were you, though... if i go to a salon, and pay full price for a relaxer touch up, she'd better make sure my hair is 100% straight! i can mess up my own relaxers at home for free, thank you very much! lol

are you happy with the results? do you think you'll end up going completely texlaxed? if so, your hair will thank you :grin: texlaxing is much easier on the hair.