Warning regarding Coconut Oil


New Member
.........o.k. well not really a warning, but it is kind of a known fact. It's just too funny though.

I have used Dabur Vatika Oil for about a year now and have recently (last month or so) started faithfully doing my nightly scalp massages with it. I am coming up on week 2 of a rollerset where I flat ironed my roots and have probably only worn my hair out b/c the roots tried to puff back up. (month 10 of transition). To combat that, I will just tie my hair down with a scarf if I want to wear it out the next day and it's pretty straight.

Last night after I moisturized my hair, I was doing my scalp massage and then I sealed my hair and put 2 flexirods in it. Hadn't worn it out for the past 3 days so wanted to get a little hang time today. Fast forward to this morning. I get up, take the flexirods out and finger comb my hair. Yeah, I knew I was a little heavy handed with the coconut oil and it was ultra shiny and glossy, but I was probably going to pin it up later on during the day anyway.

I go outside to leave for work. Once I get in the car and look in my mirror, I put my hand in my head and some of my hair strands are stiff and hard as a brick!!!!:eek2:. At first I was like "what the?????", then I burst out to laughing out loud (yes to myself in the car BY MYSELF) :grin: because I realized that the coconut oil had hardened on my hair when I walked outside in the cold. :grin: This is no big revelation b/c I know that cold temperature solidies coconut oil, but it was just so funny to see my hair and my curls instantly hardened.

It was fine in the next 10 minutes as I started on my drive to work b/c I had the heater on in the car.

So just a friendly warning to all you heavy handed ladies with the coconut oil:grin:
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Now that's funny. :lachen:I had never thought about that! I always heat it to make it liquid but I hadn't thought about it rehardening. :giggle: I guess I'll have to mix it with other oils in the winter. Thanks for the heads up.
Now that's funny. :lachen:I had never thought about that! I always heat it to make it liquid but I hadn't thought about it rehardening. :giggle: I guess I'll have to mix it with other oils in the winter. Thanks for the heads up.

That's what I do (heat it to make it liquid) I was laughing all the way to work every time I thought about it. You should have seen the look on my face when I was looking in my mirror and stuck my hands in my hair.

If it had happened to you, you probably would have instantly figured it out and would have just had to laugh at yourself like i did:grin:
This has happened to me before, especially if you're sealing with coconut oil...parachute or vatika seem to be most susceptible to the hardening. Anyway, I will definitely take heed because I know it happens. Funny and cute story!!!:lachen:
Same thing happened to me when I applied the coconut oil the night before. The funny things is that even after rinsing my hair in the morning, it still hardened on me. I just prayed no one at work wanted to touch my hair. I was definitely too heavy handed with the stuff.
Thats happened to me before and it was hillarious. When i would go outside, brick city, when i would go anywhere else with heat, it would soften up again:look:
:lol:Thanx for the heads up ....
I just started using coconut oil so now I know what might to expect ...
I would have ended up listing Coconut oil as a MISS in the Hit and Miss thread.
O.K. so I am glad I am not the only one.

I can see someone using it for the first time putting it in the "MISS" thread:grin: when they start getting nervous, thinking they messed up something major!
O.K. so I am glad I am not the only one.

I can see someone using it for the first time putting it in the "MISS" thread:grin: when they start getting nervous, thinking they messed up something major!

This was me last year! I hated coconut oil but in the Spring it magically started to work better for some reason. Duh!
When I read the title I got worried thinking that my you were going to tell us something terrible about my beloved coconut that I had literally just used to seal my ends seconds before. Then I read the entire thread and busted out laughing. Mine is actually hard right now, and I prefer it this way in the jar b/c its easier to handle. Your story was too funny though, I'm gonna have to check for that, b/c it won't be cute at all for me to walk into work looking a hot mess
:lachen:That is so funny. At first I was like oh no what did coconut oil do. I didn't know that could happen. It's good to know.