WARNING: Mom's friend gets major scalp burn from relaxer day after a colonoscopy


With Love & Silk
I'm not a cosmetology or medical professional, but when my mom told me about this my first thought was that it had something to do with the anesthesia. Something had to integrate itself into mom's friend's system in order to make her scalp so sensitive.

Fortunately, the burns were not so severe that she had to seek medical attention but she said that she had numerous scabs from the relaxer and that her scalp hurt so badly it was torture just combing her hair in the days following the relaxer. Her hair has been relaxed for a while and this never happened before so that's why she is correlating it with having had a colonoscopy the day before. The only other time I have heard of people being suddenly sensitive to relaxers is if they are on antibiotics to help with acne.

I thought this was important to share. :)
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Thanks very much for sharing. That sounds absolutely awful. I hope her scalp recovers well and is back to full health as soon as possible.
It could have been a bad relaxer. Is she going to relax again? I would be done after that.

She has not expressed any intention to stop relaxing, and I don't see why she should if relaxed hair is her preference for herself so long as she waits a while after having anesthesia. I am highly doubting that a stylist she's had success with for years suddenly gave her a bad relaxer as severe as she describes.

I was halfway expecting someone with natural hair to come into this thread and use this as a "see why people shouldn't relax their hair" sounding board, but the thread is not for that. It is to serve as information for those that choose to relax their hair.

Ladies, can we please not turn this into one of *those* threads.
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Oh wow, I hope she feels better. There are so many things that can interact with the relaxer and cause scalp burning (eating spicy foods and soda are two that I have heard of). Hopefully this will be beneficial information to our hair care community as a whole.
Sorry 2 hear of the nightmare. What ever the mal factor is, I hope she is able to identify it and address it promptly!