Wanting to Relax


Well-Known Member
I am kinda sorta wanting to relax. I usually relax every three months but I have three months worth of underprocessed hair on top of 2 months of new growth. Since the bathroom showerhead and drain don't work anymore, I can't do my beloved daily rinsing (I refuse to wash my hair in a sink). Lately I have been wearing vaselined buns, twistouts, and rollersets but am really getting tired of this big hair. I don't believe that my hair is breaking (but it sheds a lot when I wear my hair straight. I had an idea of getting braids for 2 months but I didn't want my bf to see me in braids (i know, isn't that stupid?) Should I wait one more month to get a relaxer or get it now? because I really want some straight hair right about now.

p.s. I don't have the money for a blowout. its not an option. TIA.
When deciding what to do with your hair, it's best to wait until you are very near 100% sure you want to make a big change (i.e.: getting a relaxer, texturizer, color, etc.). Otherwise, you'll just flip-flop ideas around and may or may not be happy with whatever you choose.

Getting your hair in shape in the meantime can make all the difference in the outcome of your hair. If your hair sheds a lot when worn straight, it probably is shedding a lot when you're wearing your air "big" and it doesn't show up as much because the hair are acting as a net; catching all of the fallen hair which is then free to fall when worn straight.

Give yourself a week or two to pamper your hair, which could reduce shedding and breakage. In this time, think about what you want to do with your hair.

Well...I know I've had to go in sooner for a relaxer if I was previously underprocessed