Want to make your own rose water? Here are some recipes.


New Member
I like to pass on, what I think is useful information. Maybe someone would want to make their own since I hear so much talk about it. When I went to a Moroccan restaurant, they pourded this over our hands to clense them. It smells so good. :lick:

How to make rose water - - 4 recipes

Another recipe site said: "You must be careful when purchasing rose water to buy only the 100 percent pure form. Often what is available in pharmacies and even some natural food stores is synthetic rose oil and water with preservatives added. Pure rose water is the distilled water of roses. It is usually made by stream distillation, and it smells heavenly and tastes delicious."

Tips & Warnings

Natural rosewater will last about ten days if stored in the refrigerator. You may add one tablespoon of vodka as a preservative to extend the shelf life to one month.

Make a natural and soothing skin moisturizer by combing a 50/50 mix of rosewater and glycerin.

Place your rosewater in a spray bottle for a soothing and moisturizing summer spritzer.

Roses have three outer petals, which are made to protect the rose. These petals are thick and full of nutrients essential to your rosewater. When these petals are removed, the roses open more, so most florists will remove these petals before selling them. If you purchase your roses from a florist, ask for roses that still have these protective petals.

[*]Rosewater is for external use only and should never be ingested.[/LIST]
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Awesome! Thanks for this! I bought some dried rose buds from anita grant. Will they work to make rosewater or will I need fresh petals only?
This is great! I did that second recipe not too long ago using petals I got from the florist shop. It turned out great and I would think it'd be much cheaper to make your own than purchasing it since it could have other ingredients in it we know nothing about. Thanks for the link!
I usually buy my rosewater from middle east stores and I am happy with it. But it's time I try to make my own ORGANIC rosewater. Thanks so much for the link. :up:
I like to pass on, what I think is useful information. Maybe someone would want to make their own. When I went to a Moroccan restaurant, they pourded this over our hands to clense them. It smells so good. :lick:

How to make rose water - - 4 recipes

Another recipe site said: "You must be careful when purchasing rose water to buy only the 100 percent pure form. Often what is available in pharmacies and even some natural food stores is synthetic rose oil and water with preservatives added. Pure rose water is the distilled water of roses. It is usually made by stream distillation, and it smells heavenly and tastes delicious."

Tips & Warnings

Natural rosewater will last about ten days if stored in the refrigerator. You may add one tablespoon of vodka as a preservative to extend the shelf life to one month.

Make a natural and soothing skin moisturizer by combing a 50/50 mix of rosewater and glycerin.

Place your rosewater in a spray bottle for a soothing and moisturizing summer spritzer.

Roses have three outer petals, which are made to protect the rose. These petals are thick and full of nutrients essential to your rosewater. When these petals are removed, the roses open more, so most florists will remove these petals before selling them. If you purchase your roses from a florist, ask for roses that still have these protective petals.

[*]Rosewater is for external use only and should never be ingested.

Oooh, sounds nice, but why does it say it's delicious, but then say you should'nt drink it?? :perplexed
Rosewater....never really heard of that.
This is going right in my bookmarks. I'ma try this later on.

Thanks for the addition.
What a great recipe. Rose Otto essential oil is so expensive. This is exactly how to distill it in your home. Thank you so much for this wonderful recipe.